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Everyone on stage looked uncomfortable and it was at that moment that I realised that I was the only black person left in the room. I was used to the daily microaggressions that come with being black but this was something else, his intention had been to reduce my existence and he had succeeded. I felt like the wind had been knocked out of me. I could feel my face becoming hot and tears I was fighting, stinging my eyes.

I needed to get out of here fast because I refused to give him the satisfaction of seeing how that that one slur had deeply wounded me. 

I willed my body to move. 

As I took the first I took one final look at the director, to show him that althogh i had tears in my eyes ... they wouldn't fall. The sight before me surprirsed me, as i saw someone kneeing the director in his gut and then giving him a jab and cross to his face. He doubled over in pain and yelled for security.

Everything seemed to be happening in slow motion and I was rendered motionless and couldn't help but watch the scene before me with morbid curiosity even though I had been on the brink of wailing a few minutes ago. 

Once security arrived, they stood around awkwardly. As a result of the bright lighting on the stage I could barely see the people below, I could only make out their silhouettes. The assailant was smoking a cigarette and seemed nonplussed by the security's presence, he threatened them with their jobs if they dared to so much as look him directly in the eye.

He had a lot of power because the guards all looked to him for the queue for what to do next. "Get this piece of shit out of here and Tami take over. Cast the girl and find others."

As this all unfolded, I felt cool silent tears falling down my face. "I hate fucking racists and bigoted idiots," he spat. He gave one final look at the stage where I was and then left. Someone had called an ambulance and a gurney was wheeled in and took the director. 

Nobody said anything for a couple of minutes as we were all stunned at what had taken place. Then the assistant director was the first person to regain her voice after clearing her throat.

It finally hit me. I knew the voice of the assailant and had heard it before a few times.

"Congratulations Ares you got the role, as the Executive Director mentioned, we will be in touch with further details once we find an appropriate male lead. Before that we will shortlist some people and conduct chemistry reading sessions. In the meantime look over the rest of the script and start rehearsing your lines," she gave me a genuine smile with a hint of an apology.

Quickly wiping my tears away, I took a breath trying to process everything that had happened.

"But the director said no..." I finally managed to choke out feeling so perplexed and overwhelmed by everything that had happened. "You were hired by Executive Director Park Tae-seung and he owns the studio and Zero Platinum Incorporated. Nobody questions him because there is nobody above him with regards to the hierarchy in our organisation. He sees something in you, and I believe in his judgement. Every film he has been involved in has been a success so don't doubt him for a second he is on par with Steven Spielberg and Michael Bay."

I was rendered speechless.

Without any further words, I nodded my head in understanding and grabbed my things and left. I went to the main reception and asked where Executive Director Park's office was after giving a brief story. Annoyed by my interruption, the girl just directed me and then returned to her call. 

An elevator ride later I found myself on the last floor at the top of the building. There was another receptionist seated in front of an office that seemed to take up the entire floor. Fuck, she was probably not going to let me go through.

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