Part II

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I took a short break to plan this next part of the book. There will be one final part after this. Please let me know your thoughts, and views on the characters and Enjoy Director Park's perception of things 🤍

Emotions. I Park Tae Sung was experiencing a plethora of them for the first time in my 34 years of existing and it was because of one insignificant female. I have dated models, lawyers, CFO's, women with far mor exciting careers than her and none of them had ever come close to making me feel the way I felt now. Regardless, I couldn't help but think about her. She was different in every manner from any other woman I had dated.

Director Park P.O.V

Eun Hui and I had met when we were children at the age of six when we had just started school. Our grandfathers were good friends and by the time we were 10 we had been promised to one another. Eun Hui's father owned Eun Group which was comprised of famous hotels and high fashion brands. My grandfather thought that with our two families combined, we would be the most influential family in the world because we would have businesses in all 7 continents and in almost every industry. I had never had an issue with embracing my Asian heritage and I found Eun Hui to be very attractive. 

The older we got the more attractive she became. Because we were betrothed to one another we had promised each that we could experience life to the fullest by seeing other people and getting into relationships but from the time that we turned 21 we would spend every Christmas holiday season together and with the families united. We had gotten into a casual routine and when women I had dated over a year would ask me why they could never meet my family, we would eventually break up because I found it exhausting to try and explain our relationship.

"This year you seem out of sorts. Dare I say depressed?" She asked me as she swirled expensive red wine from her goblet. "Let it be. I don't want to talk about it." I clipped, hoping she wouldn't keep poking and prodding. The wound was too fresh, Ares had left me because she didn't understand the arrangement between Eun Hui and I. She had said she wanted all of me and I thought that was very childish of her for not seeing the bigger picture. "Is it another one of your skanks that couldn't handle being dumped for the holidays?" She asked placing her free hand on my chest trying to coax me. 

I removed it and told her to stop. A look of hurt flashed across her beautiful face and a pang of guilt had me apologizing and trying to explain. "I thought it was a fling and it was just passionate sex but I'm struggling to shake her off." "Is it the actress, you allegedly sent another director to hospital for? How can I compete with that?" She asked rhetorically, but the hurt was still plastered onto her face. "Yes."

She put down the goblet and sauntered sexily towards me. Normally, I would have been very happy to allow sex to drown out all the uncomfortable feelings but today it was the last thing on my mind. Regardless, I didn't stop her. The slip on she was wearing dropped to the floor and she allowed me to admire her beautiful slim body. I couldn't help but compare her small perky milky white breast to Ares large voluptuous ones. Her small pink nipples hardened as she placed one of my hands onto them which made me feel aware of my sudden ache for the her dark coffee coloured ones. 

I had once been enthralled by Eun Huis long slim legs but I now yearned for Ares' thick thighs and round bottom. I had never been an ass man until I had met her. I focussed on the task at hand and made love to Eun Hui. I needed a release for the bubbling emotion that I was feeling. After 3 rounds and a shower, we called it a night and slept in one of the guest bedrooms because of the mess we had made in our bedroom. We co-owned the apartment which had been a gift from my father. Eun Hui was able to find peaceful sleep but my thoughts were with her. Was she in Romans arms' had she run back to him for comfort as I had gone to Eun Hui. The thought made my heart ache. She was supposed to have been a passing fling. Why was I unable to forget her?

The days came and went by very fast and before I knew it, Eun Hui was on the jet going back home and I was accompanying her to the airfield. "Another Christmas has come and gone Taesung, perhaps we should use the embryos. Everyone in the family is beginning to think that one of us is infertile and we both know that's not the case. As the female, I will be blamed for being unable to give the family an heir," she said pouting as we stood on the tarmac. I exhaled softly, stifling the fear I had felt at the dangerous words that she was saying. If she got pregnant, I would have to propose immediately and we would have to be married before the child is born and I would really be tied to her for life. 

I forced a smile and kissed her full lips. "Let's not be hasty, maybe we will be blessed with a child this year. I will ensure that I visit you when you are most fertile. We can talk about IVF again soon." She seemed satisfied with my response and kissed me once more chastely before heading up the stairs. As soon as the cabin door was shut, I returned to my idling car. "Where to sir?" asked Tony exiting the Airfield. 

"Work," I responded. I had hoped that I would be over Ares by now and that I could focus on the big upcoming shows we had in the pipeline but my mind was still tormented by her. Her laughter, her smile he quirky responses were all on loop in my mind, no matter how hard I tried to drown them with alcohol and sex. 

After hours of reviewing scripts, contracts, commercials and other paperwork, I decided to visit some of the sets. In the back of my mind, I knew I was looking for her set. She was working on a new show where she had been placed as the lead. After visiting a few locations we finally got to where they were filming. It wasn't uncommon for an Executive Director to visit a set but I rarely had the time nor interest to. The final product was the only thing I was interested in. My eyes scanned the set of the impressive Roman times set that had cost me a few hundred thousand dollars to construct. I felt at ease when I saw her, but her build looked smaller ... like she had lost weight.

My heart felt constricted as I watched mesmerised for what felt like a few minutes but was actually a few hours.

"Cut! And that is a wrap for today. Thank you for all your hard work everyone," said the main director.

"Director Park, we weren't informed you would be on set," she said looking surprised as she bumped into me by the edge of the set. "It was a spontaneous visit. I apologise."

"No, not at all. I can't help but wonder now that you have seen a bit of the show, what do you think? She is amazing isn't she? My fear was that she wouldn't be able to breathe life into this role and she would take that performance from her Oscar nominated movie and paste it here but she has outdone all my expectations." "When I read the script, I thought the main character was supposed to be a Turkish girl?" I mused.

She laughed uncomfortably. "Um, when we advertised the role, we didn't have a race in mind. We allowed anybody and everybody to try out because we didn't want to restrict ourselves and miss out on any talent and that worked out perfectly for us because here we are. She improvises sometimes and gives us dialogue that adds on to the magic we already have." I simply nodded and she took it as her queue to leave. 

More and more people were now filing off the set, so I took that as my queue to leave as well. I didn't want to bump into her. Our eyes locked as I looked one last time where she was and then I headed to the exit. I refused to look back and got into the car and left. "Where to sir?" Tony asked once more. "The office, Tony and then you can leave."  

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