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I apologise profusely for not updating in the last three weeks, there will be another update tomorrow too. 


"Taesung please, I really am not in a good head space." He looked unbothered and continued to glare at me waiting for me to get back onto set. I could feel myself bristling with rage, i wanted to tell him he could go fuck himself but i bit my tongue to stop the words before I went back onto the road and tried to wipe away the burning tears. 

Sound and makeup reattached the mics and did touch-ups. Initially, anger was all I could channel and with each time Tae Sung asked us to redo the scene I felt it chipping away and being replaced with pain, anguish and heartbreak and helplessness. My mind wouldn't stop torturing me with thoughts of Olympia bleeding out in a hospital bed alone.

I picked up the phone and called the handler, "You took my," I broke off crying heavy sobs. "My son, the only light I had in this cruel world."

"It was for your own benefit," the voice on the other end retorted.

"Mom I know it was you, I know it's been you in the background. Haven't you made me suffer enough!? Haven't you tortured me enough! Everyday, I get closer and closer to the brink of madness and he was all I had left. James disappeared without a trace and when I tried to report it they..." I broke off trying to control a sob. "They told me he ran away with another woman but I know that's a lie... please my son."

"It was for your own benefit," the voice repeated.

"My benefit?" I spat with as much venom as I could muster. "We took your son away so that you can experience the same pain that you caused us when you embarrassed us with that stupid court case. Suffer for your actions my dear." "My soooonn", I cried crumpling to the ground and just crying.

"Cut," I heard the director yell after a while but I couldn't stop. The emotions were too real.

"Everyone leave instructed Taesung. They all complied even though Alfred looked unsure. "Don't make me repeat myself," he said menacingly. He finally left and Director Park walked up to where I was crying hysterically.

"I know it seems cruel. Making you shoot this scene when you are going through real panic and stress but we got what we needed. I will drive you. Do you know which hospital she is at?" he asked. I felt like my chest was constricted and I was struggling to breathe. "Medic," he yelled. The paramedics rushed on to set and attended to me. About 15 minutes later I had stopped crying. "Shall we go?" he asked. I felt too drained too fight him and he was going to give me a lift, so I nodded, indicating that we could go. We stopped by his office where he grabbed his coat and gave it to me. We walked silently to the underground lot and he unlocked a Range Rover Evoque. I got in on the other side. "St Helens," I said quietly. He put it into the GPS and began following the directions. We drove in silence. When we arrived he got out with me.

"Hi I am here for Olympia Sherwood, she was involved in an incident with a pressure cooker."

"Ma'am its 3 am in the morning you can wait for visiting hours."

"Please," I pleaded. "I just got off work and Dr Sandz said I could see her."

She sighed and then looked up Olympia's status. "She came out of surgery 3 hours ago, she was awake but the nurses had said she had fallen asleep. It looks like everything is okay but you will have to get the confirmation from Dr Sandz. You can find her in Room UL89. It's on the 8th floor."

"Thank you so much," I said rushing to the elevators. I was surprised to see Director Park still with me. When I got to the level after a couple of minutes of looking I found her room and walked in. I was happy to see Director Park had not entered with me.

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