4. Back In The Graveyard

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Aurora couldn't tell whether Akira was still in a bad mood or that he was being his usual grumpy self. Because as soon as she had entered, she was scolded for being late, but later on, when she asked a question, it was answered nicely. ..After being called an idiot.

She let out a huff of breath, eyes travelling to over to Akira typing away on the computer. For some reason, he looked restless, checking his phone from time to time, biting his nails and whatnot.

"You aren't being paid to stare at my face."

Aurora blinked as Akira turned to her with an eyebrow raised in questioning.

"I wasn't staring at your face." She snapped. Turning back to the computer, biting her lips when she heard Akira let out a small laugh, calling her a liar without speaking anything.

"Hey, guys?" Sandra spoke, peeking from the side of her screen to gather everyone's attention. "Drinks after work? What do y'all say?"

"Oh, I'm in," Jasper replied, not sparing a glance to her.

"Can't." Akira sighed through his nose. "I have to visit someone at the graveyard,"

Sandra pouted and turned her attention to Aurora, who smiled apologetically.

"Sorry.. It's the weekend, and I need to visit my mom's grave.." Akira's eyes instantly snapped over to Aurora. How could he have forgotten she went there every weekend.

He bit his lips, grimacing at his memory and promising without a thought. But he couldn't go back on it now, Eros will actually kill him if he doesn't take him to the grave.

"What time are you going?" He asked, hoping at least the time difference would make her unable at the time he went.

"Right after office ends," She replied, "You wanna go together?" It was a mere suggestion Aurora knew he wouldn't agree to it.

"No." But the instant denial made her furrow her eyebrows. But leaving her questions unsaid, she turned back to her work.

"Eric, what about you?"

Jasper's question made Eric turn to look at Akira for his approval with a small pout. A slight nod that probably went unnoticed by everyone else made Eric smile.

"I'll come!"

Akira walked into the parking lot, staring down at his phone to see the messages, but as he walked near his bike, a pair of legs leaning against it made him snap his head up.

Akira scoffed, pocketing his phone and walking faster. "Move."

Eros moved aside to let the man on his own vehicle. And sat behind him once it was ready.

Akira glanced on the side mirror and rolled his eyes before conjuring a helmet in his hands. "Wear this," He handed it to Eros, who wore it wordlessly.

Akira kicked the gear of the bike and revived the excelerator a few times before kicking off the clutch and pulling out of the parking lot.

"We'll go to the graveyard later. Someone I know must be there right now."

"You know something, Akira?"


"I don't give a fuck." Eros started, "I do not give a fuck if there's someone you know. I want to go there right now."

Akira shut his eyes for a split second, grimacing in his mind. "I'm aware. But I do. I do give a fuck."

While Akira drove, he felt a hand on his right-upper back, right on the place where his mark used to be. He sucked in a breath at the burning sensation.

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