26. Epilogue.

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Loud blaring music, shimmering, and blinding lights in a dark place, this was his comfort. He looked around the bar, slowly slipping on the alcohol mixed, especially for him. His head bopped to the beat of the music, not very sure of the lyrics since it was all eaten up by the bass.

"Akira!" Hearing his name, Akira turned to face Eros and Jace as they made their way inside the bar, waving his hands to get their attention.

Eros and Jace stood by his side, both receiving a drink as soon as they arrived by the courtesy of Lyra.

"Where's Aurora?" Jace asked, sipping on his drink while wrapping an arm around Eric, who snuggled closer.

"Dancing, it's her best friend's birthday." He said, smiling over to the girl who danced to the rhythm, moving without a care in this world.

"Why don't you join her?" Eris questioned, missing his own girlfriend who could never step inside a bar, just because of the loud noises.

"Dancing's not my thing." Akira shrugged, downing the drink in one go.

"Hey, sweetheart." Slurred a girl, pushing her way between Akira and Eros, pushing the god away.

Extremely offended, Eros looked away with a scoff.

Akira offered the girl a small smile before moving to the other side of Jace and Eric, but she followed him there, too. Throwing her arms over his shoulder, she smiled drunkenly.

"You look so lonely. Why don't we have some fun?"

Akira gently made her pull off her arms and moved closer to Eric, "I have a girlfriend."

"Oh, come on, she doesn't need to know."

Akira didn't say anything. Instead, he focused on his drink, looking away, hoping the girl would go before it was too late.

"Come on," She whined, "You know you want me." She tried while biting her lips, but Akira shook his head.

"I said no. I have a girlfriend. Now go before you get in trouble."

"Why? Are you gonna punish me?"

Akira cringed at the choice of words and turned his back on her.

Aurora saw the encounter. Unable to control her anger towards the girl, she smirked to herself as an idea popped into her mind. Marching over to the obviously uncomfortable Akira with a smirk.

"I said I'm not interested!—" Akira couldn't complete his sentence as he was grabbed by his shoulder and turned around before Aurora grabbed his tie and pulled him down to smash their lips together.

Akira's eyes closed as he felt the strong taste of liquor from her tongue that was exploring inside his mouth.

Once satisfied, Aurora pulled away and turned to the girl, who was frozen in her place. "Stay away from my fiancé, he's not yours."

Akira blinked at the choice of words, "F.. fiancé..?"

Aurora clicked her tongue in annoyance as she rummaged through her purse and pulled out a small, velvet box.

"I wanted to ask you properly," She started, pulling out one of the rings from the box. "But since it turned out this way.." She paused to take a deep breath, "Will you marry me?"

She left Akira stunned for several seconds as he was unable to process the words. His brain lagged and refused to give a response, other than a weak what.

"Do you not want to..?" As she tried putting the ring back, Akira grabbed the female ring from her hand and quickly slipped it on her ring finger.

"I'll be mad if I ever let you go."

Aurora smiled and let the box fall out of her hands as she slipped the ring on Akira's hands before wrapping her arms around her now, fiancé. Their friends cheered in the background, and so did the whole club, who had been watching for quite some time.

Things were tough and weird, and every unusual word could be used to describe the events. But somehow, it worked out in the end.


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