21. His comfort

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Aurora couldn't believe her ears. She couldn't digest the words that were spilling out of Akira's mouth. Even if he is a dragon, he was a child. A kid that didn't know better and needed guidance rather than some idiotic poison darts.

"We would often steal from her, alcohol, cool looking equipments, all sorts of stuff." Akira laughed. Somehow, it was comforting to talk in her presence. The things he talked with no one, and here he is, spilling the details of his childhood days to the girl that annoyed him out of his wits.

Aurora smiled and kept rubbing Akira's arm as he laid his head on her shoulder.

"You know, there was a time when I accidentally broke Eros' flute. He cried so much that I had to make him a new one,"

"Eros cried?" Aurora countered with a small laugha and Akira nodded his head.

"He doesn't look like it, but he was a very sensitive kid," He smiled, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, closing his mouth before releasing it.

"Are you done spitting my secrets to a stranger?"

Aurora flinched, but Akira only clicked his tongue out of annoyance.

"Get lost, I'm enjoying my peace."

Eros paid no attention to the other. Instead, he took a seat and let out a sigh, looking up at the dark sky. The rain has stopped now, after almost three hours, but the grey clouds remained.

"And I enjoy disrupting it. What are you gonna do about it?"

Akira rolled his eyes, detaching himself from Aurora, making her immediately aware of the loss of warmth, already missing the feeling.

The three turned their heads when a stick cracked from someone's foot. It was Jace failing to slowly creep up to the three to give them a jumpscare.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Eros laughed at Jace's weird, 'deer caught in the headlights' position.

Jace relaxed, and the wolf leapt towards all of them, tackling Eros to the ground and licking his face as Eros tried to wrestle him away.

Akira laughed at the scene. He remembered the first time he had Jace as a wolf. Majestic white fur with golden dusted on the back.

Hearing the laugh, Jace left Eros to tackle the dragon onto the ground.

Aurora watched Akira laugh as Jace licked his face. He was trying to push Jace away, playfully, not really wanting him to go away.

Unknowingly, a smile stretched upon her lips as she watched the three play with each other as Eros had turned into a fox and the two had made it their topmost priority to overpower the dragon laughing and squirming around on the wet ground.

Akira was laughing. His laugh was like a tune played from the purest instrument. For Aurora, at least. His laugh was so addicting that she wanted to keep hearing it. She wanted to be the reason behind it.

As the two animals finally got off Akira, he sat up, and immediately, Aurora looked away.

His shirt was falling off his shoulder after a few buttons opening on accident, his hair was wet, and a mess sticking around and if anything, it only made him a million times hotter than he already was.

"Button up your shirt, someone's gonna faint if you keep this up," Jace laughed.

Akira looked over at Aurora, who was still looking away. He smirked, a wicked idea popping inside his head. Akira's slick hands unbuttoned the remaining two buttons, letting the shirt hang loosely on his shoulder.

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