5 | Aurora

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"What was all that about?"

Adrian, who was sitting beside me after we boarded the plane, was completely baffled by how my mom had reacted after getting to know that I was leaving for another city just to meet my client in person. Apparently, I called her this morning instead of telling her yesterday about the trip because I knew that she wouldn't take the news well and would do anything in her power to stop me from going.

And of course, she freaked out.

"Aurora, you aren't old enough to travel alone like this, and that too with a completely unknown person!"

I was twenty-eight.

Even after I told her that everything had been covered up by the hospital's higher authorities, she still didn't calm down a bit. Part of me knew why she was being like this, but I had to do it for the sake of my profession.

It was all a big thanks to Rachel, who was also online with mom and me, that she somehow calmed my mom down and made her agree with me despite the worry she still had. Rachel knew about the whole trip thing before my mom, as she worked with me in the same place.

Best friends really do play a big role in convincing our parents for anything.

The only thing she said to me was to bring a guy with me, or at least after dating someone hot.

"Was it that loud?" I asked nervously while glancing towards Adrian. I knew my mom was basically shouting, but what I didn't know was that her voice was so loud that it was passing through the phone.

Classic moms.

"A loud would-be understatement." Adrian chuckled nervously. "Your mom sounded like she would have killed you if she was in front of you."

Well, that was a matter-of-factly.

We both gave each other a nervous laugh and decided not to talk about that anymore. I didn't want to bring up why my mom was so overly protective about all this because that would lead to something that I was not ready to talk about, especially not with my clients.

"I have booked a place for you to stay," he glanced at me, "We thought you wouldn't be comfortable staying at our place. But in case you need to change your mind or your hotel, you're always welcome. " He smiled sweetly. "As long as you feel safe, that's all that matters."

"I'm glad and really thankful," I replied, returning his smile.

"Ah, and by the way," he continued again, "I almost forgot to tell you, but Christian and Jade would be meeting you tomorrow so that you can take proper rest today after arriving from all the travelling. I will text you the details beforehand."

"Are you sure Jade would agree to come with you?"

"I know that would be hard, but that's our problem to convince him for now," he sighed.

"If you say so." I smiled again, and he nodded before reading the business magazine that he had bought at the airport before we boarded.

The duration of our flight was almost seven hours in the air, so I decided to take a proper nap as I didn't sleep again last night. Part of the reason was that I needed to pack my stuff for a sudden trip on very short notice, and the other part was well known.

But the thoughts of my past again started to haunt my mind. I knew that it was broad daylight and no one can harm me, but my trust issues always said otherwise. The fact that I was with a complete stranger, going to a completely unknown city, even though it was for work, made me feel my anxiety in the pit of my stomach. But thankfully, I was so tired from all the last-minute packing and arrangements that the anxiety was not strong enough to give me another panic attack.


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