25 | Aurora

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Nicolas was very talkative.

We had just met, and he was all about telling me everything about his and Jade's childhood, mostly about Jade. Then, in the middle of the conversation, he would shift to his newly experimented recipes that he was trying to add to his list of dishes for his restaurant, which was in New York, saying that he would appreciate my advice on those, and I gladly took part in that.

But above all, he seemed to be a good person—just way too extrovert and the complete opposite of Jade.

"You know? He actually ate his own snot because I told him that it's meant to be put inside your body again, or else you would not have enough moisture in your nose." Nick and I both burst into laughter while we drank our coffee, but it was already cold as we were having so much fun discussing Jade's not-so-embarrassing childhood.

"Are you done?"

We both turned our heads to where Jade was sitting. His eyes lingered on me for a moment before glaring at Nick.

"Someone's not happy." Nick whispered. "Nope. Not done." He smiled lazily, looking back at him.

"Why are you here anyway?" Jade asked.

"Show me some respect, snot-eater. I am your best friend, for god's sake." Nick scrunched his nose.

"You aren't doing anything good to be a best friend right now." Jade scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Trust me, bro, this is exactly what best friends are supposed to do."

I giggled as Jade rolled his eyes. He was clearly annoyed, as his best friend had all the embarrassing moments of his childhood in front of me. I bet best friends can make anyone more embarrassed than their own mother discussing their childhood.

My phone vibrated inside my pocket. "I need to take this." Excusing myself, I went to the kitchen area to answer the call while the two best friends bickered with each other like teenagers. I smiled, feeling happy looking at Jade; this was the first time he seemed relaxed.

"Hello?" I answered the call.

"Guess what?" Rachel chirped. "I am coming to meet you!" She exclaimed.

"What?" My own excitement started to bubble up inside upon hearing her new information. "Are you serious?" I bit my lip, stopping myself from giggling.

"Yep." She replied. "I am using my share of paid holidays. I can't wait any longer to see you."

We both squeaked in excitement. I was also jumping on my feet when Jade glanced over his shoulder at me and arched a brow in confusion. Steading myself again, I was still smiling as I shook my head while looking at him, signaling to him that it's nothing. His eyes narrowed before Nick took his attention again.

"Hey Rach?" I called her name, and she hummed. My eyes were still on Jade, who was now playfully punching his best friend while he smiled and laughed. My heart thumped inside my chest, feeling an emotion I couldn't describe, but that made me so satisfied in that moment that I wanted to freeze the time if I could, so that Jade remains this happy always.

"Can you bring me that journal?" I asked. "The one in which you made me write about my past?"

There was a time when I wasn't able to calm my mind, which led to disturbing situations around me as I was not able to work properly as a therapist in the hospital. The incident where one of my patients tried to misbehave with me only added fuel to my insecurities. Even after Rachel broke his arm for trying to touch me in an appropriate manner and for assuring me that everything was okay, I couldn't shake the feeling of uneasiness and fear that was settled deep inside of me.

To help me overcome it, Rachel persuaded me to write it down on a piece of paper, as I was trying to comfort myself through my own words. I was hesitant before, but after a few days, I did take her advice and write everything down in a journal instead, with the idea and hope that one day I will write down a more peaceful entry that will overstep that one, an entry that would provide me peace of mind and heart while I wrote it.

So, I decided that after writing my first entry about my horrifying past, Rachel would keep it to herself until I asked her to bring it back to me. She knew everything anyway, so there was no harm even if she tried to read it. But I could bet my life on the fact that she had never even peeked through it.

"Is everything okay?" Concern dipped her voice a little lower.

"Yes," I whispered. "I just want to write about what finally is making me happy and a realization that I have learned these past few days being around him." I didn't have to mention his name; she knew whom I was talking about.

"Do I need to worry about it?" She asked.

"No." I chuckled. My eyes became moist as I kept looking at Jade, who was the complete opposite of what he usually is around in this house: happier, relaxed, and, above all, calm. I guess best friends do make us feel secure and safe in some ways.

"It's just," I said, biting my lower lip again. "I now know that no one can fix anyone in this world. Everyone is perfect in their own way, scarred or not; they all deserve the same love and passion that they want." Jade glanced towards me; his eyebrows scrunched on his forehead with concern playing his expression. "And I think I finally found what being imperfectly perfect is." I whispered.

Raising my forefinger in his direction, I mouthed 'one minute'. He nodded and turned back, talking to Nick.

"Don't worry." Rachel's voice brought my attention back to her. "I will bring it, surely."

"Thanks, and text me once you reach here. I will come to the airport." I replied.

"Alright." She chirped. "Hey Auri?" She called my name, and I hummed. "I am so happy for you today." She added.

We hung up the call. My eyes darted at the main door when the doorbell rang, and Jade opened the door, revealing Dorothy coming back after buying groceries. She looked at me and gave me a smile, to which I nodded. My eyes darted at Jade, while his eyes softly looked at me. I smiled, feeling butterflies erupting in my stomach. He winked at me before going back to Nick, who was now sitting while playing a video game on the LED in front of him, and Jade joined him.

This was the happiness that I had missed somewhere. Being with someone you feel safe and comfortable around. This all felt so relaxing and at home, and I was willing to do everything to keep it this way.


I have been getting so many questions regarding updates. I did post an announcement, and well, maybe you all didn't notice it. It's okay; I am here to tell you again.

I'll be TRYING to update 'HM' on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. But please, if I do miss any updates due to any unfortunate circumstances, please don't hate me for that :(

Rest assured, you will get your updates for 'HM', and I will never abandon this book as it's really close to my heart as well.


Kripsy  🐰

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