33 | Jade

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A few days ago, I just had the name of the person who tried to hurt Aurora when she loved him, and he claimed to have mutual feelings for her.

But thanks to Christian's connections and reputation, as well as Rachel's assistance in finding some information on Aurora from the hospital where she worked, I have all I need to turn a specific old lover's life into a living hell.

Finding out everything there was to know about Liam Martell and figuring out where he was took me four days.

I had requested Rachel to do a more thorough investigation into Aurora's previous life and to let me know if she knew anything more. She seemed contradictory at first, but she was more than willing to assist once I informed her that I wanted to use all of this to find Liam. Her task wasn't too hard because the data I needed was already in the hospital's employee biodata files, and she was already a member of the system because she and Aurora worked at the same place.

I had the face of the man I wanted to rip to pieces with her assistance as she uses the hospital's data to uncover information about Aurora's prior educational background and Christian's assistance in using his popularity to uncover more details about Liam and their former school.

But that would be too easy for him.

I wanted him to be miserable all of his life, dwelling on his mistakes.

I wanted him to be stripped of all his possessions, even his dignity.

I wanted him to go through what Aurora was going through.

Liam Martell, the sole heir and current CEO of Martell Couture, an Edmonton-based cosmetics company where Aurora grew up before relocating to Calgary. He took over the company after his father's demise.

Upon tracking him as well as gathering all the information I needed, Christian and I boarded our aircraft to Edmonton late on the fourth day. I had not slept a wink during the whole flight, content to ponder about how I would carry out my plans to destroy him entirely.

However, now that I'm here, standing in front of his firm building in the afternoon of the fifth day, I doubt I could hold back the vicious beast inside of me for much longer.

"Don't forget what we are here for, Jade." Sitting next to me, Christian's voice wakes me out of my thoughts.

Christian never once questioned me about why I was so keen to destroy this man. All I told him was that it had to do with Aurora. My lack of response was sufficient for him to deduce that I must have felt something for her, even though he never expressed it or asked me outright. He also had the idea that this man must have harmed her, and now he has to face my wrath.

Forget about the past; he was still my older brother. He was still able to appreciate our personal space and solitude while still understanding his younger siblings in between the sentences.

I go into my pocket and retrieve the box of cigarettes, taking one and putting it between my lips. After lighting it with the lighter and blowing out the smoke, all that was left was the hazy silhouette of a particular set of enticing blue eyes and long, dark hair.

Five days without seeing a single sight of her.

Five days without her smooth voice to soothe me.

Five days of thinking about her like my life depended on her.

It was maddening.

Ever since I met her, I avoided smoking, but the combination of her absence and the current circumstances were wearing thin on my patience.

Through Rachel, I have been monitoring Aurora's health. She was aware of Rachel's strange behaviour. But with her mother by her side, she said, she was doing just fine.

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