28 | Aurora

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I pledge to myself to never drink wine again, even to never be near any kind of alcohol again in my lifetime.

My senses must have become dead when I let my body and my lust take over me a while ago, and I am very well aware of its repercussions. I might get my hands tied with restrictions on my workplace after this incident if the word came out; even my license could get cancelled for practicing psychology.

Why did Jade and I have to be alone at the house?

Even after leaving the house to reach our destination, where Christian's birthday party was, my frustration and anger toward myself and my choices seem to rise with every passing second, as Jade has to drive us there, again alone in a car with him.

He has been silent since our incident in his apartment. I don't blame him either; I also don't know what to say or how to react in this situation right now. It's been ten minutes since we both left the apartment and he drove to wherever this place was, but this silence is eating me out. As much as I want to never talk about it again, I also want this awkward tension between us to get resolved. Even if he says that he wants me gone for good, I will accept his consent and draw my name back from being his therapist, as I knew I broke protocol.

"We can behave all awkward around each other like teenagers," Jade says, breaking the silence as he halts his car in a parking basement. "Or we can behave like adults and talk about it."

The second option seems very difficult.

I am going with it.

He looks at me with his confident and stern eyes, not breaking his gaze and not fluttering for even a second. I close my eyes and look away while a heavy sigh exhales from my lips.

"I am fine with leaving." I mutter before looking at him. "I know I crossed a line while being your therapist, and if you want me to leave,"

"Wait, hold on for a second?" My words get stuck in my throat as Jade raises a brow and his expressions become dark. "Therapist?" He asks.

"After everything we have been through, Aurora," his voice dips with frustration. "You assume that you are only a therapist for me?" He tilts his head. "And what did you say about crossing a line?" His voice raised a bit, leaving me still in my seat. "I thought we were in this together. I didn't know you were just doing your fucking job." His expressions turned into pain and hurt, while his eyes held disappointment for me.

I gulp the tension forming in my throat. "That's not what I meant, Jade."

A bitter chuckle leaves his mouth, and he starts to unbuckle his seat belt. "That's exactly what you meant." He gets out of the car and paces around before coming to my side and opening the door for me. "Come out, Doctor Aurora." I couldn't help but notice the mockery and annoyance his words had. My heart sinks inside my chest, and my eyes are stung from the ache of the threatening tears.

This is not how I wanted things to go, but anything I would say will only make this much worse than it already is, as I could see the anger bubbling in Jade's behaviour. Sighing, I grab the goody bag from the back seat and come outside the car before he slams the door shut and starts walking, while I follow him behind quietly.

Walking and reaching outside the parking area, a club comes into view, where we seem to be walking. People go inside after the guards make mandatory checks on them with a cheerful smile on their faces. I and Jade were completely opposite to what their expressions had, him in fury and me sulking while looking at him. It was all my fault. First, I let him into my personal space, and then only me shut the door in his face, making him feel guilty when he is nowhere at fault.

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