51 | Jade

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It had been an hour since Christian was sleeping and Aurora left for her flight.

I filed a lawsuit on my brother's behalf against Kiara after Aurora left. Kiara begged everyone to give her one more chance and let her leave, but she should have been held accountable for her acts.

I told the investigators everything, even the fact that she attempted to do the same thing with Aurora, our guest. Although they stated that they would also require statements from other witnesses, but the charges were already pressed with Nick and Adrian being the witnesses.

The cops ordered Kiara to not leave the province or the country until the final hearing from the jury comes, and that she would face legal action if she tried to do so.

I was satisfied, but still not enough until I see her getting the punishment that she deserves.

"He's awake now." Adrian came out of the room where Christian was and told me. "You should go and meet him."

I sighed. "But what am I supposed to say, Adrian?" I looked back at him. "How should I face him after everything that I learned today?"

"It wasn't your fault, J." Nick replied before Adrian while he sat with me in the living area of the farmhouse. "Neither was his. Don't repeat your mistakes again, deciding not to talk to him."

"He's right." Adrian said. "We are brothers, Jade. Give both of you a chance, and only you can do that."

At their remarks, I collected myself and made the decision to go meet Christian with no expectations in mind. They were right; Christian should be given a chance to express his feelings because he had been through so much.

He endured more than me.

I moved in the direction of the room and cautiously peered through the open door. I stood there, thinking about how I could get out of this situation while he remained flat on his back. My motions had come to a complete stop and my feet were stuck to the ground.

"Stop thinking too much already and come inside." Christian's voice sounded from the room, and I flinched a bit hearing him.

Cursing under my breath, I exhaled a breath and moved my feet to get inside the room. My eyes were everywhere but on him while he looked at me, and I seated myself in a chair near the bed.

The uneasy silence that forced me to say something was all that remained.

I cleared my throat, which sounded a bit louder in the room. "I pressed charges on Kiara for you." I said this without looking at him.

"I know." He replied. "Adrian filled me in with everything."

"Hmm." I nodded.

A chuckle sounded from him before he sat up, slumping his body against the bed's headboard. "I know you have too much to ask; go ahead, little brother."

I looked at him before rolling my eyes. "Still being arrogant in this condition."

"I just know you very well." He laughed a bit. "What can I do? I am your big brother after all."

I looked at him when he said those words, and his smile slowly disappeared while his eyes averted from me.

"If that was the case," My voice sounded extremely disappointed. "Why didn't you never tell me anything?"

He looked at me before a faint smile appeared on his face. "The reason is the same, because I am your big brother."

His words felt like a cat was trying to catch a laser, making me the cat and his sentences the laser that I just couldn't get.

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