50 | Jade

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It was always said that avoiding the current events or allowing issues to continue unsolved for an extended period of time would just worsen them.

I didn't believe in that.

I've been cutting myself off from the outside world for almost two days because I don't want to talk to or see anyone. It's not that I wasn't eager to resolve matters, but I was worn out from the feelings I had been carrying around for so long and the things that had unfolded since then.

Sometimes, it's not the person who doesn't want to make efforts, but the weariness and weight of everything around them makes them weak and stops them from doing anything further, even if they want to.

In all this havoc, I had one ray of happiness, and now, due to my actions, she is away from me as well.

I had intended to speak with Aurora. I could not bring myself to listen to her voice, even though I was craving to hear it. Something inside of me kept screaming that she had already gone through too much because of me. It stopped me from telling her every single time that I was still waiting for her to come back.

It wasn't the nicest thing for me to do to lash out at her the other day, but I could never have done the same to Christian.

I would still love my brother more than life itself, even if he were to stab me with a knife one day.

"Open the door, J." Nick's voice came from outside the door of my room.

I let out a heavy sigh; he would not even allow me to overthink in peace. "What do you want, Nick?" I asked. "I don't want to see anyone; go away."

"I will go away, but first you have to come with me." He responded. "It's about Christian and Aurora."

Hearing her name made my body straighten, and then I marched right to the door, opened it, and saw Nick standing there.

"What happened?" My voice sounded hurried, and my heart was racing with anxiety.

"Come with me and see yourself." He gave me a head gesture to exit the room. "It's time you did some reality-checking."

He turned around and headed downstairs, and I went after him right away.

"Stop drawing puzzles, Nick." I followed him into the living room as we both descended the stairs. "Just tell me she's okay."

I halted at my spot behind him as he turned to face me. "Calm down for a bit and just do as I say."

"Nick, please." I glared at him, but he remained unfazed.

"Thanks for opening the door for me, Dorothy." He ignored me and looked at Dorothy, who was busy dusting. "This brat would never have let me in, otherwise."

A soft laugh sounded from her. "It's okay, dear. I hope everything is okay."

I rolled my eyes at Nick before turning my attention to Dorothy. "I am leaving with him for a while. You can take the day off if you want."

She smiled. "It's okay, dear. I will go after cleaning and will lock the door when I leave, and the keys will be at the reception of the building when you come back."

I nodded at her before Nick and I left the apartment.

"Just play along when I tell you to after we reach the farmhouse, Kiara is there as well, along with Adrian and Christian." He said this as we sat in my car.

I looked at him while a crook formed between my brows. "What the hell is going on?"

"You'll know." That's all he replied.

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