49 | Aurora

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A day had passed since the chaos that took place in Jade's apartment.

I and Nick were still residing in the farmhouse, which belonged to Grogan's itself, but they weren't here. Christian was still recovering, and I made sure to check up on him every now and then, while Adrian helped him with his condition and also looked after their workplace in Christian's absence. Nick also visited them personally, which helped me be at ease knowing that Christian was recovering well. I had also asked all of them about Jade, and they told me that he has again locked himself in his room, ignoring everyone and even skipping his meals.

But the thing was, he didn't visit me once, much less give me a call or a text.

It broke my heart.

Today was the day that I will be leaving for Calgary again, in order to give his final report to the hospital and also to make my statement against Liam official with the investigators. My flight will be in the late evening, as I checked the tickets sent by Rachel. I didn't call Rachel after everything happened, as that would only make her worry, and since she was already doing so much for me, I didn't want to tell her anything before I myself knew the facts of everything that happened.

Jade knew that I would be leaving tonight, but still, he was nowhere to be seen near me, holding me and saying that I could do this and that he would be waiting for me when I came back.

These two days without him were like slow and painful torture. He had become my habit, seeing him annoying me whenever he got the chance, sneaking touches and kisses every now and then, or the comfort and warmth that he would give me whenever I was about to fall. It was as if it were all a dream, and someone shook me to wake up from it, leaving me disappointed and wanting more of it.

Nick tried his best to cheer me up, but he knew that I was missing a certain pair of golden-brown eyes to look at me again. He was always there to support me, just like a brother would, and I also tried my best to look happy. But when the night came, I just cried and sobbed till the first light of the sun in the early morning peeked into the room.

My nights became sleepless again, and the person who used to make them better was not here anymore.

It's like a law of nature. The person who makes you habitual to their presence will be the only one who will leave you alone and shattered, wanting and craving for more, but all you'll meet with will be the dark hollow of their absence.

Yet, we all still expect so much from them.

"Aurora?" A soft knock on the door of my room, followed by Nick's voice, jerked me back from my thoughts. "Are you sleeping?"

I quickly wiped my moist cheeks and eyes. "It's okay, Nick. You can come in."

The door of the room slowly opened before a smiling Nick appeared in front of my eyes with a glass of juice in his hand.

"Good morning." He smiled and made his way towards me before bringing the glass of juice in front of me. "I hope I didn't wake you up." He sits on the edge of the bed, facing me.

I took the glass from his hand and smiled. "No, I was actually awake."

His smile slowly faded, leaving worry and sadness in his eyes. "I know what you are going through, little sister."

My own smile becomes a sad one at his words. "I guess I have bad luck at love."

"Hey?" He softly calls me. "Don't ever say that, Aurora. It's the people and this world who don't deserve such a kind person like you."

A chuckle left my lips. "You are overexaggerating."

"No, I am not." He scoffs. "You are way too soft and sweet. I still can't believe that Ms. Feisty is your best friend."

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