45 | Jade

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Everything around me turned into the darkest shade of green after I saw Aurora and Christian downstairs, with her hand on his shoulder.

The impulse to act was so intense that I could feel it seeping further into my flesh and bones, causing my body to shake with the heat of wrath and the need to destroy everything I could lay eyes on.

'Don't think it cannot happen again, Jade.'

"Shut up!" I shouted, attempting to block out Kiara's mocking voice in my head, but each time I tried to shut it out, it just roared louder, repeatedly hitting my senses and brain like a truck.

'Don't think it cannot happen again...'

'.......happen again...'




I gasped for air and glanced at my room's door. The moment she was in full view, my eyes were blurry, and my senses were overwhelmed by a familiar sting of moisture.

She was here.

She was here for me.

"Aurora?" I whispered her name.

She approached me slowly, her eyes examining my figure with a mixture of fear and sadness.

"Why are you doing this yourself, Jade?" She grabs my shoulders with both of her hands gently.

"It hurts, Ocean." I looked at her. "It hurts so much that I can't breathe properly."

"I know, Jade." She rubs her palm on my cheek. "It's the same for your brothers; so much more for Christian."

A shudder leaves my lips while my fists clench upon hearing Christian's name from Aurora.

'Don't think it cannot happen again, Jade.'

I slowly brought my hand upwards and held her palm, which was on my cheek, in a firm grip. "You do worry so much about him."

Her brows crooked as she watched me slowly remove her palm from my cheek. "I am worried for all of you." She replied.

"But why is it always Christian you are most concerned about?" I countered. "Making sure about his decision whenever it came to me; making sure about his birthday present on his birthday; and now about his feelings as well." Despite my voice being low, there was a raging hurdle inside of me.

Shock replaced her emotions of worry in her eyes.

"Is this what you really think?" She whispered.

"Then tell me what to think, Aurora, because I am running out of patience." I retorted. "It's not easy for me to see you around Christian; it's not easy for me to have Kiara in this house again."

"And did you ever think about me in all this?" She took a step back, creating distance between us. "Did you ever think about how it is for me in all this situation?"

Her eyes glistened with the unshed tears, getting red slowly, while her lips quivered.

"All you ever think about is yourself, Jade." She sniffed. "Only your anger, your insecurity, and your frustration matter, right?"

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