20 | Jade

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No other woman in my life had this much control over me, and Aurora Monroe has successfully cast a spell on my mind.

I just wanted to tease her when I saw the book. After all, it's her choice for whatever she wants to read and see, and I respect that choice. I was just pulling her leg the way I always do, but her touches made me mad; everything about her makes me crazy.

The way she squirmed when I touched her, the way she clenched her thighs, the moans and whimpers that left her pretty mouth—I wanted everything in a different scenario now, where she wouldn't be squirming but asking for more, where her thighs would clench while wrapped around me, and where her moans would be screams while she chanted my name.

I left her there as soon as I could because I didn't know if I would have been able to control myself any longer from making all of her fantasies come true that she reads and marks in her books. I want to make them true for her, and I have made a point in my head that only I will do all those things to her that she likes to read about.

Standing under the cold shower, I can't stop thinking about how she arched her back to feel me more. I can bet that she could feel me hard, but she doesn't know how painful it was for me to stop her from going any further. I am trying so fucking hard to calm myself, but even the cold water doesn't seem to help. Thinking about her again and again, I guarantee one thing: soon I will have her my way, and she will gladly give her consent for that.

But I will make it special for her, because she is my ocean. There will be no secrets and no walls between our emotions when I make her mine. It will be us and only us, naked in all forms and devouring each other in every way that we can think of.


I snap out of my thoughts when I hear Adrian calling out my name, followed by a knock on my bathroom door.

"In a minute." I replied, turning off the shower and putting a towel around my torso. As I came outside, I saw Adrian sitting on my bed with a tensed look on his face. He glances up at me, and I arch a brow, indicating him to speak.

"I'll come straight to the point," He sighs and looks at me again. "What's going on between you and Aurora?"

I stilled and looked at him slowly as I gulped. He gave me a look that said that I was caught red-handed.

"What do you mean?" I avoided his gaze and started wearing my clothes.

"Don't give me that shit, Jade. You can hide it from Christian, but not from me." He got up and glared at me.

"I am not hiding anything." I replied.

"Really?" He tilted his head and arched his brow. "You say that you have nothing for her and give her those looks; you made her stay here with you when you never wanted anyone anymore, and you even fired a caretaker just like that because I said that she was bothering Aurora." He took a step toward me. "And you say it's nothing?"

"What do you want to know?" I sighed. "If I am having feelings for her?" I added, and his brows furrowed.

"Yes." I looked him in the eye. "I do, and I can't help myself from caring about her."

"Jade, if this is again about making your therapists go away—"

"It's not." I cut him off.

"I feel for her, Adrian, and it's so real." I sit on the edge of my bed. "I don't know how she is able to pull out these emotions from me when I swore to myself to never feel anything again after everything that had happened in the past."

Adrian makes his way towards me and sits beside me. He just looks at me, and I can sense the concern that he has, but I can never lie to him about anything. He was more of a best friend to me; he always treated me like I was his special best friend. We both shared those secrets with each other that we could never share with Christian, and sometimes we would both bitch about him when something didn't go our way due to him.

Christian was more of a fatherly figure for us after our parents passed away. He was always the responsible one, while we were both the naughty ones. I was always more chaotic than these two, but for me, Adrian was always my first preference whenever things went out of my hands.

"Don't get me wrong, Jade." He puts his arm around my shoulder. "I am just worried about you after things went wrong with you and..." He hesitates.

I look at him, and he averts his gaze. "I know whom you are talking about, Adrian, and she has nothing to do with me anymore."

"If she has nothing to do, then why do you still have that frame?" He points at the broken frame, which was dropped by Aurora that day.

"Just to remind me of the pain so that I don't repeat my mistakes again."

"She doesn't deserve you, Jade." Adrian speaks. "That woman has made all of our lives nothing but suffering, and you and Christian are suffering the most."

"That is why I need Aurora, Adrian." I speak as I look at him. "She is my cure; I can feel it. I just want to know why I feel this way towards her."

Adrian stays quiet for a moment, as if determining whether I am serious or not. But the look on his face told me that he knew I was not lying this time.

"Fine." He replied and got up from the bed. "If you think that she is able to make you feel happy again, that's all that matters to me. But only as long as you don't do anything inappropriate with her, understand?"

"I promise, Adrian." I smiled. "I'll never hurt her." He smiled back and started to leave.

"Adrian?" I call his name again, and he turns around to look at me.

"Don't tell anything to Christian."


"Please Adrian." I cut him off. "I don't want him to snatch what's mine away from me again."

"You know Jade," Adrian sighs. "He never intended to hurt you."

"Yeah right." I scoff. "He never intended to hurt me but to be with the women his brother loved so much back then."

"It's not what you think." Adrian says softly: "You don't know anything."

"I don't want to hear about him anymore." I say, and he goes out of my room with a disappointed look on his face.

I can never forget what Christian did to me, and I can never forgive him for what he did. He was supposed to be my protector as the eldest and the most responsible man he shows to the world, but only I know what kind of man he is. No matter how many times Adrian would say that I never gave him the chance to let him explain his side of the story, I don't think he deserves that.

He had taken what was mine from me two years ago, and I am not letting him take anything ever again. If he ever tried to make distance between me and Aurora or dared to keep me away from her, I would forget that he was my brother this time. I will never let him go near her.

Aurora is mine, no matter what it takes.


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