Chapter One

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A country road Daytime, Through hazy heat, Dean walks down an empty road and approaches an abandoned gas station and he pounds on the door hoarse voice tries saying, "Hello?" He doesn't get a response, so what Dean does is he rolls up his outer shirt over his right hand, breaks the glass on the door. Inside, he grabs a water bottle from a fridge and gulps at it, gasping. He finds a newspaper and sees the date, which reads: Thursday, September 18th, Dean says to himself "September." Inside the gas station bathroom Dean, washes his face in a dingy sink, then looks up and stares at his reflection and he's wearing a tight black t-shirt. Frowning he stands up and lifts up his shirt up to expose his chest.

Then there's a flashback of Dean's chest getting ripped by the hellhounds, but back in the present his chest is fine, and in the dingy gas station mirror after he pulls his shirt back down, he notices that something is on his arm, so he turns his left shoulder and lift it up to reveal a large raw handprint." He looks at it with a confused look on his face and then pulls the sleeve back down and leaves the bathroom, grabbed some snacks and energy bars from the shelves, along with several bottles of water, and stashes them in a plastic bag. Stopping in front of a magazine stand, he grins slowly. 

On the stand is an Adult Magazine - "Busty Asian Beauties". He picks it up, smirks, flips through it, and stuffs it in the bag too and he goes to the counter, sets down the bag, and hits a single button on the register, snapping his fingers in satisfaction when it pops open. As he's looting the cash, the TV to his left flicks on, showing only static. He shuts it off; only to have a radio to his right turn on to white noise. Not wasting a moment, he goes to another shelf and grabs a carton of salt, opens it, and begins to pour it along the windowsill.

Suddenly there was this single high pitch tone begins and that causes Dean to clutch his left ear whilst he starts trying to pour more salt on the window sill, but the noise gets loud to the point that he covers both of his ears and he starts groaning in agony after falling to the floor, After a few seconds he gets up off the floor trying to escape, and unfortunately more glass on the ceiling and the walls shatters, he looks around cautiously.

Outside in a phone booth, Dean dials a number, and hears only an alert tone, Recorded voice says "We're sorry, You have reached a number that has been disconnected." Dean hangs up the pay phone and inserts another coin, dials another number. It rings once, then is picked up, Bobby VO says "Yeah?" Dean says "Bobby?" Bobby VO says "Yeah?" Dean says "It's me." Bobby VO asks "Who's "me"?" Dean says "Dean."

 A dial tone sounds, he sighs and then hangs up the receiver and dials again and Bobby VO says "Who is this?" Dean says "Bobby, listen to me." Bobby VO says "This ain't funny call again and I'll kill you." The dial tone again Dean hangs up the phone, sighs but then he turns around and sees sees an old, beat-up white car parked outside which causes his  eyes  to light up; he hotwires the car and pulls away from the gas station.

Inside Bobby's house Daytime, To a pounding on the door, Bobby's hand appears to open it and on the doorstep stands Dean,  looking winded and apprehensive. He smiles cautiously Bobby looks at him suspiciously and Dean says "Surprise." It takes Bobby a moment but he finally speaks up and says, "I, I don't..." But before he could finish the sentence due to being in shock seeing Dean who was supposed to be alive standing in front of him, Dean speaks up saying, "Yeah, me neither but here I am." Dean was unaware but Bobby had picked up a knife behind his back.

Dean who has walked inside closes the door behind him, then suddenly Bobby lunges forward and slashes at him, but Dean grabs Bobby's arm twisting it around, but Bobby breaks the grip and backhands him across the face, that stuns Dean for a moment but he says, "Bobby it's me." Bobby says "My ass!" Dean shoves a chair between himself and Bobby,holds his hands out "Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait! Your name is Robert Steven Singer, you have a daughter Sarah and you became a hunter after your wife and her mother was possessed're about the closest thing I have to a father. Bobby, it's me."

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