Chapter Thirteen

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On the Road nighttime, Sam is driving "Ruby will meet us outside Cheyenne and she's been tracking some leads, I know she's not exactly on your Christmas lists but if she can help us get to Lilith—" Dean says "Hey, man, work with Ruby, don't because I don't really give a rat's ass." Sarah stays quiet and then Sam looks over at Dean with no expression on his face and asks them, "What's your problem?" Dean says "Pamela didn't want anything to do with this and we dragged her back into it, Sam." Sam says "She knew what was at stake." Sarah says "Oh yeah. Saving the world and we're doing such a damn good job of it." Sam says "Sarah, Dean----." Dean says "I'm tired of burying friends, Sam." Sam says "Look, we catch a fresh trail—" Dean says "And we follow it, I know. Like I said, I'm just—I'm just getting tired." Sam says "Well, get angry."

In the Motel Room, They enter the room and Dean says "Ah, home crappy home." Sarah flips on the lights, Uriel says "Winchester, Winchester and Singer." That catches the three of them because standing there is Uriel and Castiel who have been waiting inside the room and Dean is the one to speak up first not exactly in the mood right now, "Oh come on." Uriel says "You are needed." Dean says "Needed? We just got back from needed." Uriel says "Now, you mind your tone with me." Dean says "No, you mind your damn tone with us." 

Sam says "We just got back from Pamela's funeral." Sarah says "Pamela. You know, psychic Pamela? My Godmother, you remember her. Cas, you remember her because you was the one that burned her eyes out. Remember that?" Dean then speaks up by adding, "Good times yeah, then she died saving one of your precious seals. So maybe you can stop pushing us around like chess pieces for five freaking minutes!" Uriel says "We raised you out of hell for our purposes." Dean says "Yeah, what were those again? What exactly did you want from me?" Uriel says "Start with gratitude." Dean says "Oh." 

Castiel says "Dean, we know this is difficult to understand." Uriel says "And we—" He gives Castiel a significant look "—don't care. Now, seven angels have been murdered, all of them from our garrison. The last one was killed tonight." Dean says "Demons? How they doing it?" Uriel says "We don't know." Sam asks "I'm sorry, but what do you want us to do about it? I mean, a demon with the juice to ice angels has to be out of our league, right?" Uriel says "We can handle the demons, thank you very much." Castiel says "Once we find whoever it is." Dean asks "So you need our help hunting a demon?" 

" Dean asks "So you need our help hunting a demon?" 

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Castiel says "Not quite. We have Alastair." Dean says "Great, He should be able to name your trigger man." Castiel says "But he won't talk, Alastair's will is very strong we've  arrived at an impasse." Dean says "Yeah, well, he's like a black belt in torture I mean, you guys are out of your league." Uriel says "That's why we've come to his student, You happen to be the most qualified interrogator we've got." Dean looks down, Castiel says "Dean, you are our best hope." Dean says "No. No way you can't ask me to do this, Cas. Not this." Uriel walks up to Dean "Who said anything about asking?" 

Both Sam and Sarah looks around the room is empty, Sam speaks up saying ""Damn it." Building Nighttime, Alastair is visible through a window in a door, chained to a hexacle standing in the middle of a devil's trap and Castiel says "This devil's trap is old Enochian and he's bound completely." Dean looking at the door where Alastair is and he just simply says, "Fascinating." Dean turns away from the door "Where's the door?" Castiel says "Where are you going?" Dean says "Hitch back to Cheyenne, thank you very much." Dean walks past Uriel , then stops: Uriel is blocking his path "Angels are dying, boy."

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