Chapter Four

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They had arrived at the next Job but Sarah had gone to the hotel as she had a different idea on what to be instead of a FBI agent seeing as it was Oktoberfest she thought that she'd go undercover and dress up as a bartender, so whilst she was a the motel getting changed, both Sam and Dean wearing their FBI suits was walking down the road, Dean says "We still got to see the new Raiders movie." Sam says "Erm yeah about that me and Sarah went to already see it." That shocks Dean and he speaks up saying, "Wait without me?" Sam looking over to Dean speaks up saying, "Well yeah you was in hell." 

They both continue walking and Dean still looks over him stunned and says, "Yeah well that's no excuse." Dean looks ahead and says "Big pretzel!" Sam smiles and then shakes his head, Dean then takes two pretzels handing one over to Sam who accepts it thanking him, then a girl walks passed simply saying, ""Guten tag." Dean with his mouth full ""Guten tag" yourself." Sam looks over to Dean and says, "Dude you should be glad that Sarah doesn't see that, you'd be in so much trouble."

Dean looks over to Sam and shakes his head knowing that he was right, so he focused on the case and they both spot the sheriff and they both walk over to him and speaks up saying, "Sheriff Dietrich." Sheriff Dietrich asks "Are you the boys that are from the feds?" Sam is the one to speak up and he says, "Agent Angus and Agent Young." They both show their badges, Sam continues by saying, "We called ahead about your, uh, problem." Sheriff Dietrich says "Right. Um... I'll tell you what, why don't we talk this out away from the crowd, huh?"

Whilst that was going on Sarah had changed into her outfit that she picked once she was finished, she made her way to the bar and once inside Jamie notices her and they start having a conversation and she goes behind the bar and Jamie shows her what to do, thankfully she's a quick learner and gets the hang of it quickly and she starts talking to both Jamie and another girl called Lucy, they all seem to be getting along well. It feels good to have other woman around because she's being around with men more than woman, it's refreshing.

 It feels good to have other woman around because she's being around with men more than woman, it's refreshing

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At the morgue a body is taken out, covered with a sheet and Sheriff Dietrich draws back the sheet he says "Marissa Wright, 26

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At the morgue a body is taken out, covered with a sheet and Sheriff Dietrich draws back the sheet he says "Marissa Wright, 26. Just up from Lockhard for the 'fest. Terrible, Just terrible and It's the last thing this town needs at peak tourist season." Sam says "Definitely the last thing Marissa Wright needed." Dean turns the body's head and sees two dark puncture marks on her neck like a vampire bite "What the hell?" Sheriff Dietrich says "Yeah, you got me -- I mean this killer's some kind of grade-A wacko, right? I mean, some Satan worshipping, Anne Rice-reading, gothic, psycho vampire wannabe."

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