A lone Soul(Yunjin x Kazuha)

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You were the person whom I admired the most, you were the person I loved the most, the person I feared the most, the person I cared for the most, and the one I avoided the most.

Am I asking for you to love me back? No, never, and don't. A person like me is nothing. I simply exist and stand here as people walk past me as if I was never there.

Please don't be guilty, I'm afraid I'll ruin your life if you do so. I don't deserve you. I'm aware that as each day passes, we can't be together today, tomorrow, or the day after.

Maybe loving you was the only thing that held my already falling-apart life together. Please, let me love from afar; please, keep on smiling; please, I just love you too much.

Why you?

Why choose anyone else, when you are my everything?

"You've been staring too much, you know." Yunjin heard a voice coming from her right, she looked and saw her friend smiling at her. "Whatever, Chae." She rolled her eyes, and laid her head on the table. "You look like a loser." Her only friend, Chaewon, laughed. "Says you."

I don't look like a loser, because I'm indeed one.

Yunjin looked once again at the window, and there below she saw Kazuha... "Cheer up! Okay?" Her friend's voice sounded a mere faint background noise for her. Yunjin was so focused on looking at the girl below.

"Uhm, hello?" Her friend repeated again, this time she responded back. "Oh, yeah, I will. I'm very happy now." Chaewon softly smiled, the gaze she had on Yunjin, it was pure and emotional. She loves Yunjin, not romantically, though, maybe it's something you can call a platonic love.

The sun was starting to set. It looks beautiful, it reminds me of you.

"Wow, even when I always see this sunset everyday, it still amazes me every time." Chaewon marveled at the breathtaking sight, capturing its beauty for eternity.

A knock from the door. The silence in the room they didn't notice was now replaced by a knock. "Jen, there's dinner downstairs. You can come too if you want, Chaewon." Her mother's voice rang through the small gap of the door. "Let's go?"


It was Yunjin now, no more Chaewon to accompany her. Sitting on her bed, she looked once again at her window that shone stars in the dark night. She slowly approached the window, and she saw the lone lamp that illuminated its glow on the bench. The bench is where she finds her peace and also where she always sees the person she admires the most.

"Should I go out?" She whispers to the night, it was midnight, the time everyone is asleep, the time you can experience a comforting silence.

She quietly sneaked out, careful not to alert her parents. When the door opened she was greeted with fallen leaves. The cool wind kissed her skin, sending shivers. She breathed, inhaling the intoxicating smell of the trees that swayed around her.

Each step she takes the more visible the lone illuminated bench was. A sigh of relief when she felt her body sinking in the wooden seat. It was only her outside this quiet street, just a girl sitting, alone in the dark. How can she not forget the only purpose she came here for? I guess she wasn't the only one who was awake at midnight.

The only light wasn't only from the lamp, there's this room, and you guessed it, it was Kazuha's. Kazuha always stays up late, Yunjin notices. Kazuha, on the other hand, was practicing her ballet, unaware of a certain figure below watching her from the window as her shadow danced inside the room.

Kazuha is a ballet dancer, among the finest in her town. Because of how charming she is, people can't help but to just admire her, and Yunjin wasn't any exception. She wasn't just good at ballet, she was also a kind and humble girl, she was perfect.

Meanwhile, Yunjin? She wasn't perfect nor the best, she's simply just Yunjin. But she's nowhere near as Kazuha, the gap of the bar exceeds. How can someone like Kazuha-who's perfect and rare, cast a glance upon a soul as lowly as Yunjin?

You don't deserve her. You'll ruin her life, she repeats to herself everyday, and it makes her heart ache. Who was she? She asks herself, what was she even doing here? Does she merely exist with no purpose? Is she just an unwanted and useless soul standing here? Those questions... tormenting her everyday, like a twisted vine.

She snapped out of her thoughts. The shadow was still there, dancing gracefully. It made Yunjin feel a sense of calmness again. Kazuha gave her a warm feeling despite the cool breeze. Just a smile from Kazuha will make her heart beat, her mind go crazy, her cheeks turn red, and her knees get weak. The effect Kazuha had on her, made her realize that she was falling hard. Kazuha's existence alone is enough for her to love.

She was thankful that Kazuha's there to help her from her already crumbling apart life, even if Kazuha didn't know. Just her admiration alone glued some parts of her life together.

She'd give everything to Kazuha.

I'd give you the whole world, just so your smile graces upon your divine face.

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