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O N E   W E E K   E A R L I E R

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O N E   W E E K   E A R L I E R...

I HAVE TWO options.

The first is to become a stripper, and the second is to sell an organ.

Unfortunately, my ass is too flat for the first option, and I don't eat healthy enough for my organs to be intact for the second option.

Groaning, I rest my head in my hands as I sit at a table in the empty coffee shop that I run, for now anyway—The Beach Hut.

My life is not how I would have thought it would be this time last year. My plan was to finish my marine biology degree, but if I can't buy out my mother for the coffee shop to fund my degree and the house to avoid becoming homeless, that plan goes out the window.

So, unless I can fly to Vegas and hit the jackpot, I'm all out of luck.

The bell to the coffee shop sounds, someone clearly ignoring the closed sign that I put on the door for a few more hours this morning so I could try to figure out how to avoid my impending doom. In retrospect, I probably should have locked the door.

"We're closed. So, unless you're here to throw an enormous pile of money my way or become my sugar daddy, please leave," I say, but I am sure it comes out muffled as I don't remove my head from my hands.

"I'm not sure how Atlas would feel if I agreed to be your sugar momma," my best friend, Thalia's, voice rings through the coffee shop as the sound of the bell subsides.

Removing my head from my hands and resting my arms on the table, I look up as Thalia stands near the door before walking over to sit down across from me. Two years have passed since Thalia first came to our little sleepy town of Sandy Cove for a small break away from the championship surfing tour, that turned into her moving here permanently after falling in love with one of the locals, also known as my other best friend Atlas.

She leans back in her chair before reaching out to pick up the papers scattered around the table in front of me. Expense reports, bills, scribbles in my handwriting as I tried to find any form of way to save up the money. I needed to buy the business and the house off my mother that she wants to sell to move with my stepdad.

It's not like I blame her, her and my stepdad have been traveling for a long time now and now she wants to settle down elsewhere which the sale of both would help with.

At twenty-three years old, I could find myself jobless and homeless.

"He would probably ask if you could be his instead," I snort at the thought of how that conversation would go with Atlas.

She snorts and shakes her head before gesturing to all the paperwork in front of us. "I guess it's not going too well?"

"That depends. What do you think of Gabriella Red for my stripper's name?" I ask, tapping my chin in thought and she laughs, shaking her head.

Point Break | Sandy Cove Series #2Where stories live. Discover now