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I CAN FEEL his eyes on me

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I CAN FEEL his eyes on me.

Lying down at the front of the boat that floats in the middle of the ocean, I am sunbathing with Ruby and Fiona, who are next to me. Meanwhile, the guys, Hallie and some other surfers from the men's and women's tour are all lounging about different parts of the boat.

The competition for this leg of the tour was over and we had an extra day before we all need to fly out to the next country. Everyone decided to rent out a boat for the day, to let loose and relax with some down time. Even Easton has been relaxed.

He is usually very focused on the competition and his training, so it's nice to see him relax.

Wherever he is, I can feel his eyes flickering over to me and roaming over my body that is clad in a bikini as I lap up the sun.

"It's nice to relax. I feel like being on tour with Chet. It's always go, go, go," Ruby says and I open my eyes, turning my head to face her.

"I get that. I didn't realize how exhausting it is," I say to them and they nod in understanding.

Ruby and Fiona had been doing this for much longer than I had, but it seems like it's hard to get used to if you're not a surfer.

"It comes naturally to Hal. I'm guessing the same for Chet and Easton. It's kind of crazy watching them sometimes. It doesn't feel normal," Fiona says and we nod.

"They're adrenaline junkies and all I want to do is to be a couch potato," Ruby says and we laugh.

"What are they doing over there, anyway?" Fiona asks, placing her hand over eyes as she sits up and looks over to where they are.

"Chet mentioned something about water sports competition," Ruby explains.

"Our girl time is being invaded. Gabi, your man is watching you like you're his snack," Fiona whistles and I shake my head.

I hear footsteps and soon enough feel a brush against my leg, before feeling his hand squeeze my thigh. Opening my eye, I see him sat next to me, looking down at me as his thumb softly strokes my skin.

"Ladies," he nods to them before turning back to me.

He leans down to place a soft kiss on my lips as he squeezes my thigh once more, the girls awe beside me and as we pull back, his eyes flicker over to them as if he was kissing me for show but when his eyes come back to mine, I see the mischief in them knowing he kissed me because he wanted to.

"You'll burn if you lie here all day," he tells me, tugging on a strand of my red hair. Knowing I burn really easily because of my complexion.

"I put lots of sunscreen on. I'll come out of it soon," I tell him, closing my eyes.

"You said that when we were fourteen and you turned into a crab," he says and my eyes shoot open as I shoot him a glare.

"We do not speak of that day!" I tell him, pointing my finger at him and he smirks.

Point Break | Sandy Cove Series #2Where stories live. Discover now