maddening deligh.t

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I was eleven when we met

He, a demonic dog with a top hat invading my thoughts by unicycle

Me, an innocent visionary lacking the ability to filter my imagination

Some nights I was fed blood-curdling hallucinations while other times weren't so far-fetched

His raspy voice issued commands I wished never happened

A pinching bite from a werewolf

A tightening squeeze from an octopus

A frightening stampede from red-eyed monkeys

That manipulative lunatic did everything in his power to deceive me, trap me, deteriorate me

All hell broke loose inside these shaky chambers

Even the fresh glimmer of daylight couldn't pacify my impulse to look over my shoulder, or squint harder into shadows on the walls to make sure they were merely reflections from ordinary objects

This fashioned a recurring pattern during childhood which haunted me for years

Until, of course, it didn't

Although I was spooked, the bombardment of mayhem became so much it made me wonder how he was sane enough to orchestrate it

I shouldn't be one to judge subconscious concoctions, because that's ridiculous, but also because this scheming devil isn't relatable to any real person

Lies, so many lies!

The second he showed up I had unknowingly tapped into a deeper part of myself

This novel storyteller, only eleven, spoke words polished with the richest shade of darkness, all rigid and freakishly true

And thus it turns out that you can be the sweetest, most smile-bearing daisy and still succumb to a darker tone

That lonely jester showed me

For two creatures living in completely separate worlds, we shared a twisted sense of madness that only unveiled itself when no one else was around

Since then, he was a glittering jewel to my curious eyes since everything about him was strangely intriguing

He wasn't human

And yet somehow he was

So to conclude my anecdote on six grade dreamscapes, he is the reason my mind is twisted

That unorthodox face of fame gave me a lifetime of material only a wildly passionate artist would know what to do with

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