kindling sweetness from daw.n

14 1 0

You pass through the sleeping city
under flashing lights
along tunnels of darkness
bundled in fuzzy fibers

The car idly climbs up the hill
reaching those fiery mountain peaks
deliciously dipped in candied honey
as every glaze should be

Stepping outside that heated box
you feel the peachy warmth
of the waking light wrapping its arms
around your morning limbs

The yolk
the gushing center
rippling outward like a sunflower
bursting from the earth

Crisp air surges under
the dawn's calming presence
whistling to emerging faces
to the bleeding sky

What a fresh sight it is
to endure in the young hours
completely monopolizing
but ever so gently

The new day tips its hat
smiling from afar
followed by dew-dipped grass
so prim and proper and perfect

From above dark raspberry blue
meets cyan and his companions
before forging together
and melting into paper-thin white

Then closer and closer the light comes
you feel the rush of revitalization
and when it finally meets your gaze
everything stops

The birds go silent
tree branches slow
grass spikes stand up straighter
you lose yourself in a daydream

The beauty of life
trickles into memory
speeding up the heart
at an ever-glow pace

This single look changes your life
livening the soul with every sparkle
what you see is something different
what you see is breathtaking

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