the sun shined down on yo.u

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the sun shined down on you
glistening strongly past blue skies,
and your skin shone like shimmering jewels
on the evening ocean;
i watched your delicate fingers
unsheathe the casing 
of your camera,
their clear-pasted nails making
shallow incisions on 
black leather, before opening
a lens you would trap 
little snippets of time in;
the wind picked up, jostling your
sun-washed hair over bare shoulders
and around heated cheeks,
but it was a sight i suddenly found
so enthralling I couldn't look away;
all was lost in my head
when you smiled and I could
almost taste the
sweetness pouring off of
those soft lips;
delicious euphoria was your soul
that my impulse to drag you away to a 
secret lair on top
of the world grew ferociously;
i didn't need a 
camera to remember the curvature
of your beating heart,
its fine strokes and lines building 
connections with the picturesque moments
around you;
then it was just us, and
while everyone else left, you stayed
staring wondrously 
beyond the gates of this dot we stood at;
your eyes were parched of colors,
all colors pale and chipped 
and surrendered to darkness once
the universe rays disappear;
you turned around to see where everyone
had gone and saw me,
standing helplessly trying to keep
a perfect stance in rough shades-
beaten brown, scarred gray;
i was a shadow figure
roaming the edges of your bright fantasy 
craving the day some inkling
of that light would be 
generous enough to blind my desperate 
voice and drag me to safe meadows;
but you,
you were of divine beauty,
and i faced your body 
seeing nothing but the silhouette of
a girl whose fresh vigor 
melted into daylight landscapes,
realizing the only lens
i would ever look through is you.

A Girl and Her PoemsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora