Chapter Eight- Macy

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It had been a long trip up that trail. One that I hope I'll never have to do again. Once the Renegades on the cliff had spotted me, they had called out to me, telling me to stay where I was, that they were coming down to get me. Then they disappeared. At first, I wondered if I had been led right into a trap. Perhaps the Renegades weren't kind to newcomers, just as the Cardinals had warned us. So for twenty minutes, I stood by the river, anxious and sweaty as the sun beat down on my face.

But after those twenty minutes, I heard them again. They were about fifteen paces away from me, but I couldn't see how they'd descended the cliff into the canyon. One of the Renegades, a blonde woman with two blue stripes on each shoulder, walked up to me, the others close behind. She introduced herself as Taryn, congratulating me on making it out of the city safely and commending my bravery. I decided not to tell her about how I'd been let out of the city. If I have my way, no one will know about that until my mission is complete.

Taryn told me that if I was ready, they'd take me up to camp. I was confused about that. Why wouldn't I be ready? Even if a chance to sit and rest by the river sounded heavenly, I didn't want to waste any time. So instead I told Taryn that I was ready, and she showed me to the beginning of the trail that led up to the cliff. And that trail had been thirty minutes of steep inclines and rocky paths. I can't imagine anyone taking that trail willingly. I wonder if there's an easier way to get to the camp.

When we finally get to the top, we take a moment to breathe. The Renegades all pull out their canteens, taking long swigs. I look around, wetting my dry lips and trying to ignore the dryness in my throat. I had run out of water just as I had reached the canyon, and in my search for the Renegades, I had forgotten to refill any of the bottles. Taryn looked over at me, laughing at herself. She walked over to me, offering her canteen. I took it readily and she smiled as I took a long drink.

"Sorry about that. When it comes to water, some of us forget our manners," she says, looking around at her fellow Renegades. "When we get to camp, you'll get your own canteen and you'll never have to worry again."

"Oh, I have bottles," I respond, shrugging my backpack off my shoulders. I reach inside and pull out one of the empty plastic bottles. Taryn, after asking permission, takes it in her hands and looks it over. She hummed in impress, squeezing the bottle slightly.

"This is some quality material. I'm sure we can use this for something," she says, and my eyes widen. They were going to take my bottles? Why? What else would they take from me? "Sorry, that probably sounded terrible. Most new recruits want to get rid of anything tying them to the City. I apologize for assuming you were one of them. If you want to use these, then we're not going to stop you."

"Really?" I ask, finding that hard to believe. The Renegades were rebels. They renounced anything having to do with the City and the Cardinals. Why would they let me keep things from inside the City? I wonder if Taryn is just trying to set me up. Make me feel comfortable so I'll be sucked into their little world. And when it's too late and I'm already in too deep, they'll show their true colors. Atlas will show his true colors, and I'll find out exactly why everyone is so afraid of him.

She hands the water bottle back to me and I hastily put it back into my backpack. I'll have to keep a close eye on the contents. Perhaps new recruits don't really want to give up their ties to the City- perhaps the Renegades just steal those things from them. I'll be checking my backpack every morning, making sure nothing has gone missing. But maybe they don't need to steal them. Maybe they just lure new recruits into a false sense of security and persuade them to give their things up. And once everything from within the City is gone, they show their true intentions.

"Of course. It's just a water bottle. Like I said, most want to get rid of their City things. But some like to hold on to them, just to remind them what they were running from. I don't know where on the spectrum you are. If and when you're ready to get rid of your City things and acquire your Renegade gear, we'll be ready for you," Taryn explains, before sighing. "I suppose it's time to get back to camp. Gemma and Savannah will be waiting for us.

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