𝟎𝟎𝟏. Roommates

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Clara Sanchez was a twenty one year old female, who was currently in Brooklyn law school. She lived off campus, since she wanted a life outside of school, which having a roommate that wasn't in the same college as her helped with. Sadly for her, her roommate wasn't a girl she could share guy problems with, her roommate was a guy, who didn't really take any interest in her love life. They did become good friends in the three years they'd been living together, but it just wasn't a 'ride or die best friend' type of relationship.

Clara's roommate, Miles Morales, was the type of bad boy that every girl wanted, but couldn't have. He was extremely attractive, and he knew it. But Clara didn't ever admit it, and she swore that she wouldn't break. Of course, the first year of living together there was the weird tension between them, and they slept together when they came home together, completely drunk. But it was a one time thing, and Clara made sure it wouldn't happen again.

The black haired girl often came home exhausted from school, and Miles would usually order something for the two of them, since he didn't know how to cook. It was always the same pattern, Miles had been home for an hour from his job, and Clara would burst through the door, and lay down on the couch, like there was no life left in her.

"I'm back." She groaned, and threw her bag aside. "I'm gonna kill myself, Miles." A loud sigh was heard from Clara, as she sat down next to Miles, who was sitting with his arm over the couch, on the side that Clara sat.

He cocked an eyebrow at her, "The hell?" As he looked at Clara, he saw that she actually looked kind of.. Scared. She rarely ever looked like that, so it worried him a bit. "Aye, you alright?"

As she nodded, they both heard a notification coming from Clara's phone, and her eyes widened. "This guy keeps stalking me, ever since I said no to a date. At first he would just come up to me and ask me over and over, but now he actually has my number, and keeps sending me photos of myself walking, photos that I didn't take." When she took her phone out of her pocket, it was luckily just a text from her best friend.

Don't forget to set me up with
your roommate🙏🙏🙏😇❤️

Miles read the text, and shook his head. "First of all, I ain't going out with your friend. Second of all, can't you just block the guy?"

"Don't you think I've tried? He'll just use his friends' numbers." Clara rolled her eyes, and leaned back against the couch, where Miles' arm was resting. He was still looking at Clara, whose eyes were fixated on the TV. "I'm hungry. What do you want for dinner?"

Shrugging, he moved his head towards the TV, trying to get the thoughts he was having out of his head. "It don't matter, mami. Order whatever."

When Miles called her mami, Clara slightly smiled. It was just a nickname he used often, just like mamas. He rarely called her by her actual name, and usually used either mami, or Clares. Clara thought it was funny, and didn't think much of it.

As she was ordering pizza, the boy next to her was deep in his thoughts. He'd never actually admit it, but he had a crush on Clara. At first, he simply found her attractive, and that was it, but lately he'd been thinking of her in other ways. Not only was she gorgeous, she was also nice, and honest. Of course, she was jokingly mean to people she knew well, but she was kind hearted.

Miles was suddenly snapped out of his thoughts when Clara yawned, and let her head rest on his shoulder. He noticed that her eyes were closed, and he bit his lower lip. She looked beautiful in his eyes, but Miles knew that if Clara knew that he was the Prowler she'd most definitely hate him, since her studying to become an advocate kind of pointed to the fact she was probably a goody two-shoes.

"Clares, you wanna game?"

That made her eyes open, and a smile creeped onto her face. She immediately grabbed the TV remote, and turned the TV off. "Always. I'm gonna change into something comfy first. This uniform is so fucking itchy." Clara chuckled, and grabbed her bag before going into her room.

Roomie - Miles G. Morales | Earth 42 Miles MoralesWhere stories live. Discover now