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The night before Clara was gonna leave for her shoot, on Wednesday, her, Miles, and Lucia were sitting on the couch while eating salads, except Miles, he wanted to annoy the hell out of Clara by eating junk food all day.

"You know, if this modeling thing works out, I might drop out of college." The dark haired girl shrugged, picking an olive out of her salad and dropping it on Miles' pizza.

Her older sister gasped, and slapped Clara's thigh. "No! You can't give college up for modeling. You were gonna become a lawyer, and now you're dropping to this?" The tone in Lucia's voice was stern, and when Clara looked her in the eyes, she shook her head.

Raising her eyebrows, she stepped on Lucia's foot and shot her a confused look. "It's not really dropping, honestly. If it goes like it looks like it's gonna, I'm gonna earn like.. Twice as much. Plus, the whole fiasco with Chuck made me terrified to go to school."

"That's not gonna get less, dumbass. Models have a shit ton of stalkers." Miles scoffed, while half smirking at Clara.

She side eyed Miles and frowned, wondering why he was even engaging in the conversation with her sister. "Believe me, those guys are living in a dumpster, and spend all their money on drugs. If I were to press charges on them, they wouldn't be able to buy themselves out of it." Chuckling, she dropped another olive on the pizza next to her, being disgusted by even touching the soft fruit.

As he shook his head at the black haired girl, Miles picked up a slice of pizza, waving it in front of Clara's face before taking a bite. "Eres estúpida. Clares, you don't know what you missin'." While Miles was talking, she could see the pizza looking like a wet block of hay in his mouth.

Clara pushed his chin up, and scoffed, "You're disgusting. Didn't anyone ever teach you you chew with your mouth shut?" When she was looking Miles straight in his eyes, Clara felt her stomach do double flips. Especially when she saw his gaze lower to her lips, but she quickly turned away, and continued eating her dinner.

"Good job, little sister. Anyway, I have to go back to my hotel room, get the rest of my stuff. I'll be here at five, okay?" Lucia tightly hugged her sister, while smiling widely. There was a chance she was even more excited for Clara's shoot than Clara herself, since she was so hyped by the idea of her sister being famous.

Sweetly smiling, she waved at Lucia as she grabbed her purse, before walking out the door. "Okay, see you!" As soon as Clara and Miles were alone in their apartment, Clara kept thinking about not-so-holy scenarios, involving her roommate. She took a deep breath while biting her lip, trying to stop thinking completely, but sadly, Miles saw the confusion on Clara's face, and tapped her arm.

When she slowly turned her head to the side, she noticed that Miles was grinning at her, completely shaking the nervousness out of her. "You looked like you been seeing ghosts."

A soft chuckle left Clara's lips, as she rolled her eyes and stood up to put the rest of her salad in the refrigerator. "I sort of did. You know, I'm pretty nervous about tomorrow. This shoot is gonna determine my career as a model." She deeply sighed, just now realizing the impact tomorrow might have on her.

While she started to pour herself a cup of water, her roommate stood up and followed her path, throwing his pizza box away. "Mami, there ain't no reason to worry. If you relax, I'm sure your stupid ass pictures will turn out fine." Miles smirked, when Clara looked at him, insulted.

"Asshole. The thing is, now that I thought about the shoot, I can't stop. I just know it's gonna be amazing. There's gonna be one or two famous models, so I hope they give me some tips." The smile on her face was wide, and her eyes squinted a bit. When Clara saw Miles' smirk turn into a slight smile, she gave him some kind of 'what?' look.

Roomie - Miles G. Morales | Earth 42 Miles MoralesWhere stories live. Discover now