𝟎𝟏𝟐. Explain

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I was arguing w this guy abt feminism and he doesn't think that porn is unethical or harmful.. get this thing away from meeee🙏
I am so fucking obsessed with tumblr girls by g-eazy it's not even funny anymore

"Chuck, the one from the club. He got killed last night." Clara turned her head towards Miles, trying to figure out if he knew, already.

When he realized what Clara said, his eyes widened, mostly because of how she said it. Her voice was filled with empathy, and there was sadness in it, too. Miles wondered how she could feel any upsetting emotion about the situation, as Chuck did almost sexually assault her.

"Damn, no shit?" He cocked his eyebrows at Clara, trying not to make it clear what he was thinking. "That's..?"

A deep sigh left her lips, "That sucks, Miles." Clara shook her head, while whispering something to her phone and hanging up. She could feel her heart beating in her stomach, as she held her head in her hands from shock. "Okay, I'm just gonna— I'll let you guys have a family dinner, I'm not really hungry anymore." Waving Miles off, she laid back on her bed, and gave Lia a hug.

The girl squealed as Clara did so, and Miles hesitantly closed the door behind him, not really knowing what to do. Lia pointed at her belly, and mumbled something that sounded like 'hungry'. "Are you hungry? I'll make some food for you, maybe it'll take my mind off it. Come on, Lia." Clara picked Lia up and put her on the ground, before opening her bedroom door so she could walk around.

As soon as she walked out her room, both Rio and Aaron's heads turned towards her, as she was supposed to be eating dinner with them. Clara tried to contain herself and not ask Miles hundreds of questions, since that'd be ridiculous. She didn't hear Miles come back late at night, and he couldn't have murdered someone. Besides, what if her brain wasn't right and he wasn't the Prowler at all?

She quietly rummaged around with in the kitchen with her hands heavily shaking, which resulted in her dropping some heavy stuff and making Aaron, Rio, and Miles turn their heads towards her with their eyebrows raised. Brushing it off as a small accident, Clara turned back to what she was doing and reorganized the things she dropped, before grabbing some food out of the refrigerator and making it into a meal for Lia.

But, her hands were still shaking as numerous thoughts were going through her head.
Is Miles the Prowler?
Why do my hands keep sticking?
Is it my fault Chuck got killed?
Why did he even get killed?
What's gonna happen if Miles is the Prowler and did kill Chuck?
Why is the pan sticking to my hand?
Oh, god. Why is the pan sticking to my hand?!

"Fuck." Clara cursed under her breath, trying to move her body so the pan — which was currently sticking to her — was out of sight, and relaxed her muscles. But, since she was so tense from the news she'd recently, it was very hard for her. After a minute of moving around to try and get more relaxed, Miles got up from the table and walked up to her.

He put a hand on her shoulder, before standing next to her and checking what he was doing. As soon as he saw what was happening, an exasperated sigh left his mouth. "Relax. You're— Fuckin' liar." Biting his lip at the fiasco about to unravel, he shook his head at Clara, and gave her a look that kind of said 'we are gonna talk about this, later.' Miles stood in front of her so nobody else could see her, with his hand still on her shoulder.

Because his hand was pretty warm and Clara felt like she was freezing, it helped her relax a bit and let go of the pan. She turned the stove off and put the food on a small plastic plate for Lia, and let her watch TV for a little while, as Clara turned her phone on to find some more information on Chuck's death.

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