𝟎𝟎𝟑. Clubbing

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The moment that Clara fell asleep after finishing Miles' braids, was the moment he - I have to add, barely - woke up. His mind was still fuzzy and barely functioning, so Miles laid behind Clara, putting one arm around her waist, and quickly falling asleep again.

The young adults slept like that for a couple hours, both of them being extremely tired since they couldn't sleep at night. Judging by the way they were peacefully sleeping, they probably would've lasted another couple hours.

"Oh, little sister of mine?" A female voice sang, as she opened the door to Clara and Miles' apartment. When she walked in, widely smiling, and saw the two sleeping on the couch, she gasped. "Oh, my god!" She walked up to them, and took a quick picture, before shaking Clara awake.

She slowly opened her eyes, and when she saw her sister's face grinning at her, she frowned. "What are you doing here? And what is- Miles, you better-"

Before she could finish her sentence, Miles woke up, and when he realized his arm was wrapped around Clara's waist, his eyes widened. "Fuck." He sat up, and rubbed his face.

Clara groaned, kind of missing the warmth behind her, but she didn't let anyone notice. There wasn't even time for that, since her sister pulled her up, and hugged her. "Luce, what are you doing here? I thought you were in LA!" Smiling, she put an arm around Lucia.

Apparently, Miles wasn't very fond of her, since he was glaring at her, not once blinking. "Yeah, Lucia, I ain't got no problem with you being away."

"¿Por qué? ¿Para que puedas dormir con mi hermana sin que te interrumpan? Watch it, big guy. Ella no se enamorará de una rata como tú, ahora que es una modelo de verdad." As she was talking, an evil grin creeped up onto Lucia's face, while she cocked an eyebrow at Miles.
*Why? So you can sleep with my sister without being interrupted?*
* She won't fall for a rat like you, now that she's a real model.*

Miles shook his head, "I don't need her to. No estoy enamorado de ella." When he saw Clara looking at him confused, he shook his head, and mouthed it's nothing at her.
*I'm not in love with her.*

"Uhm, hello? The both of you know I don't speak Spanish, please start speaking in a language I can understand." The tone in her voice sounded a bit desperate, while Clara looked at her sister and her roommate, trying to figure out what they were saying. "Hey-"

Before she could finish her sentence, Lucia pressed a finger on Clara's mouth, shutting her up. "Sure, keep telling yourself that. Todo el mundo sabe que lo eres, excepto aparentemente tú y ella." Winking at the seemingly offended Miles, Lucia pulled Clara towards her room.
*Everyone knows you are, except apparently you and her.*

"Bullshit. If I was, ya estaríamos juntos." Miles scoffed, and suddenly started touching his hair. "Yo, I didn't know you already finished my twists, Clares."
*we would be together*

Nodding, Clara shot a quick smile at Miles, "But, I did." She could only hold eye contact with him for a second, because him talking Spanish was extremely attractive, and she was sure she'd start crushing on him if she looked at him any longer. "They're not my best work, but they look okay."

Lucia closed the door behind Clara, and pushed her onto the bed, grinning evilly. "So, what's going on between you two?" It was a question she always asked when she visited Clara, since she really did think her and Miles were in a secret relationship.

While her sister sat down beside her, Clara sat in the corner of her bed and shook her head, trying to hide a smile. "Nothing! Seriously, we're just friends. I can't be just friends with a guy?"

Roomie - Miles G. Morales | Earth 42 Miles MoralesWhere stories live. Discover now