𝟎𝟏𝟓. Changing feelings

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Its finally fall break, I think I might write a bit more!!!


I'm gonna try and do something different with the reading perspective this chapter, tell me if you like it!!


As Sofia leaves with Lia, I kind of feel relieved. I mean, I love Lia with all my heart, but it was tiring, trying to do school work while she was constantly begging for attention. It didn't help that Miles tried teaching her cuss words, either. God, I wanted to punch him so much when he did that. But, I also kind of wanted to kiss him, really. He looked good wearing his durag, even though he got straight out of bed.



I'm not supposed to be thinking that, that's bad.

Oh, that's bad. I can't be thinking about a desire to kiss my roommate, one of my best friends! It's just simple attraction to his looks, I try comforting myself. Miles was—is an attractive guy, and I'm sure lots of women would agree with me. Why can't I find him attractive? Just because we're friends? He told me he found me attractive, once. And I can sense it. When I first moved in, anyway. I constantly felt his eyes on me, and when I looked into his eyes, I saw lust. He wanted me.

Maybe he still does, but I don't care. We have a good friendship, and I wouldn't risk it for anything. I can always count on him when I need comforting, and I don't want to lose that. There's lots of guys who're sliding into my Instagram dm's, basically begging me to go on a date with them. I could try it out once, and see what it's like. I haven't been on a date in a couple years, so it might be fun. I'll look into it.

"Mami, you okay?" Miles' voice snaps me out of my thoughts. Which were mostly about him. God, he has a gorgeous face. Okay, no, Clara. I purse my lips, unable to think of a reason why I was standing at the door, still holding the handle. I can't just say, "Oh, it's nothing. Just contemplating the thoughts I find myself having about you more and more often." So, I sigh, looking into his eyes for a bit longer than needed.

I nod, "Totally. Just thinking. I'm gonna go into my room now, don't come in." Fuck, that sounds kind of mean. I shoot Miles an apologetic smile, before quickly walking into my bedroom. What day even is it? Wednesday? Tuesday? I have no fucking idea. As I sit down on my bed and grab my phone, checking the day — which was Thursday — I feel something poking my ass. Of course, I stand up, and I see the cloth I bought, but that shouldn't have any sharp things in, right? Oh, right! I put a single pin in it in the store when I was fucking around.

But fuck, that hurt. I quietly giggle to myself as I carefully put the pin away and sit back down. It's Thursday, so I have three and a half more days to work on my spider suit and webs. Actually, mostly the suit. I kind of have the webs figured out. I know how to aim and swing, anyway. The rest'll come later. Humming, I open Spotify and connect my phone to my speaker, prepared to sit at my desk and sew my suit for hours straight. The measurements, first. Hmm, I scroll through my playlists, searching for one with songs I could all sing without mistakes.

When I finally find the one I was looking for, I click the 'play' button and hear it blast out of my speaker on full volume. Oh, shit, it's early! Sorry, neighbors. Oops. Since I'd been awake for so long, I assumed it was around one P.M., but the clock hasn't even hit twelve yet. Whatever, a second of loud music shouldn't bother them, and if it does, who the hell cares? Should've thought about that before moving in next to a twenty one year old woman.

"Clares, I'ma leave for work." Miles knocks on my door, slightly opening it and peeking inside. Luckily, he only saw me rummaging around for my tapeline, and doesn't notice the beautiful purple cloth laying on my bed.

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