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Sorry for being absent, will start publishing more frequently once I get better!☺️

(Sorry not sorry for all the shit before the actual chapter but please read this)
Israeli government is actively trying to wipe all Palestinian existence off the surface of the earth, so please do anything you can and not support Israel by;
-not buying products which barcodes start with 729, and 871
-boycotting the big three:
Disney (declared support for Israel by pledging $2 MILLION) - cancel your subscription and stop watching their movies -
Starbucks (is suing its union for posting about supporting Palestine) - stop buying their products, DO NOT use costa coffee or Dunkin' Donuts as an alternative, they also support Israel. Instead go to local coffee shops or make your coffee yourself -
McDonalds (donated free meals to the Israeli army and has changed their burger wrapper to the Israeli flag, replacing the Star of David with the McDonald's symbol) - stop buying any of their products, instead buy from local fast food shops or make it yourself, which is healthier. DO NOT go to Burger King, Pizza Hut, Dominos Pizza, KFC, Subway, Hardee's, or Papa John's -

But please do remember to stay respectful (don't inflict any harm!!!!!) towards Jewish people, because the Israeli government does not speak for all Israelis and Jewish people. What's happening is bad enough, and Palestinians won't gain support if we inflict violence upon pro-Israelis.

pro israelis feel free to argue w me

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ 1.43 A.M., SUNDAY MORNING⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎

Clara looked at her suit with a tilted head and narrowed eyes, trying to figure out if it was good to wear. It hadn't yet been spray painted like she wanted, and it didn't have the little embroidered parts like in her design, but it was okay to wear once. Just to try it out, as Clara said. And, if she was completely unable to do anything, she'd still have a cool Halloween costume.

The day prior — Saturday —, she'd spent the whole day catching up on schoolwork, which was loads because she had to leave town for modeling for a couple days, and law students definitely don't have easy work. But, after she and Miles ate dinner she went straight to finishing her spider suit, and it was easier than she expected. The dark purple color was very aesthetically pleasing, but, with the decorations Clara was gonna add not being on there, it looked a little plain.

Clara quickly stripped herself down to her underwear, and slid into the suit as if it was nothing. Luckily, it was a soft but strong fabric, and hugged her body, so if she did decide to defy Miles, it'd be easy to fight criminals in it.

"He should be asleep by now." She whispered to herself, as she zipped her side up. It did make a loud noise at first, since Clara had a bit of trouble.

Before she did anything else, she checked if she could still shoot webs just as easily as before, and aimed her wrists at a corner of her room. And, before Clara knew it, she was crouching against the wall, and whispered something along the lines of 'gotcha, fuckface'.

But, she couldn't just walk out their apartment and be sure nobody would see Clara, and she couldn't jump out of her window, either, since that'd be extremely reckless and dangerous. Clara started pacing around her room, brainstorming about what she should do. I'm gonna jump off the roof, anyway. Why not my window? Taking a deep breath, she carefully and soundlessly opened her window, preparing herself for what she's about to do.

Clara could feel the nerves building up in her stomach the closer she got to jumping out of the window, taking in the beauty of the night in Brooklyn. "You can do this, Clara. You can do it. You can hang from the ceiling, so this is just as easy." She whispered, as she pulled the mask over her head and took a deep breath. If she didn't know Miles was doing all the illegal shit he did with Aaron as the Prowler, she probably wouldn't have even tried. But, she didn't want either of them to get caught, so she just quickly shook her head and jumped out of the window,

Roomie - Miles G. Morales | Earth 42 Miles MoralesWhere stories live. Discover now