𝟎𝟎𝟐. Twists

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That night, Clara couldn't sleep. Just before she closed her eyes that night, the creep that was basically stalking her sent her another picture, that was taken earlier that day. It showed her sitting on a bench on school property, reading a book, and it creeped her out. Normally, she'd just get her AirPods and listen to some music which helped her fall asleep, but she left her AirPods in Miles' room, and she hated listening to her phone speaker.

So she laid awake in her bed for an hour, still attempting to go to sleep, but quickly realized that it wasn't going to work. Clara knew that there was another thing that usually helped her sleep, but she didn't want to awaken her addiction. But, laying in bed wide awake for hours felt like torture, so she reached into her cabinet, and grabbed an unopened pack of cigarettes, and her lighter.

She walked over to the living area, and opened the window. It was only a matter of time before a cigarette was lit up and in Clara's mouth, occasionally inhaling and blowing out smoke. It was extremely unhealthy, and she knew it, but smoking calmed her down. After a couple minutes, she pushed her cigarette into the ashtray they had by the window, just in case. Within three minutes, she had already lit up another one.

When she got to thinking about her stalker, she realized he only contacted her if he saw her, which was at school. Clara found that she deserved a one day break from school, and started writing an email to the school explaining she was sick, and couldn't go, while blowing some smoke out every now and then.

When she realized she had automatically grabbed another cigarette, Clara sighed deeply, and shook her head while watching the traffic under her. She quietly heard a door open, and turned around to see Miles leaning against his door frame. "Clares, whatcha doing up?" He looked Clara up and down, and that was the moment she realized she was wearing shorts that quite literally hugged her body, and showed half of her ass, and a tank top.

Miles appeared at exactly the wrong moment, because Clara had just inhaled some smoke, and in order for her to be able to talk, she had to blow it out. So, after a couple seconds, she blew smoke at Miles. "I couldn't sleep. Did I wake you up?"

As he shook his head and walked closer towards Clara, she noticed that he wasn't wearing a shirt, so his abs were visible. She internally gasped when she saw, and had to turn around for a second. "No. Just wanted some water. I thought you quit smokin', mami." Grinning when Clara apologetically smiled, Miles stood on the opposite side of Clara, leaning against the back of the couch.

"I did. I just have a spare pack for when there's no other way to relax." Clara turned back around again, and blew some smoke out the window. After a couple seconds, Miles stood next to her, staring out the window. "That guy that I told you about? He  fucking sent me another picture."

The guy next to her raised an eyebrow, and bit his lower lip. "Damn. That's.. So you can't sleep because you're scared?" Miles playfully pushed his shoulder against Clara's, who chuckled.

After taking a deep breath to calm herself down, she shrugged. "I guess. It's nothing to worry about, but it's so creepy. I mean, have you seen those videos where people are in their apartments, and someone tries to open their door with a long line with a circle?"

"Nah, cuz doing that is crazy. If you committing a crime anyway, why not just pick the fucking lock?" Miles chuckled, and shook his head. He turned his head towards Clara, who just so happened to be putting her cigarette down. Her hair was in a braid, and her makeup had already been removed, but she was still pretty. The dorky glasses she wore simply made her look kind of cute, instead of nerdy.

While Miles was thinking that, Clara tried to stop thinking about Miles' abs. She didn't care much for people's bodies, but his was just.. Different. Of course, he had an extremely attractive face, too, but she never really expected Miles to be ripped. After a minute of thinking about her roommate, Clara shook her head to snap herself out of her thoughts, and closed the window. "I'm just gonna grab my AirPods out of your room, and I'll let you get that water you needed." Smiling, she walked away, and went into Miles' room for just a second. He watched her walk away, and shook his head when his thoughts went in a complete other direction.

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