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I just got Starbucks macchiato it's ok if I die now this shit is so good I love coffee

Miles got woken up by his alarm for work, at eight A.M. It was the part he found best, from California Love, by 2Pac. As he loudly groaned and sat up in his bed, he noticed that something was smelling very good, and it was coming from the kitchen.

Clara was in the kitchen, cooking breakfast while her niece was constantly pulling and hanging on her leg, probably desperate for attention. When Miles walked out, already in his work uniform, she turned around and laughed at him.

"God, I still can't believe you work at McDonalds!" Before the wheeze that was about to come came out, Clara quickly covered her mouth and turned back to the scrambled eggs she was making, still having a grin plastered on her face.

A loud scoff left Miles' lips, as he rolled his eyes at his roommate and grabbed a glass of milk. "Very funny. Ay, that smells good." He pointed at the scrambled eggs in the pan, suggestively cocking an eyebrow at Clara.

Shaking her head, she signaled to the refrigerator. "If you want scrambled eggs, you're making 'em yourself. I'm no housewife."

"Damn, ma. Just wanted some breakfast, is all." Miles jokingly nudged Clara's waist, when he saw she didn't take it as a joke. "Nah, just jokin'. Did that kid wake you up in the middle of the night yet?" As he looked down at Lia, he saw she was looking at him too, as she still remembered him from the last couple times she visited Clara.

Clara looked up at Miles while he was looking at Lia so he didn't see it, and she slightly smiled. She might've joked about his job as McDonalds, but she couldn't deny that he looked particularly good in the clothes. "No. I told you, she's a great kid. Aren't you, Lia?" She smiled down at the dark brown haired baby, before turning the stove off and putting a bit of the scrambled eggs into a plastic bowl, and the rest on a piece of toast with avocado. "Are you excited for the eggs auntie Clara made? They're so amazing." She picked Lia up, while talking in the voice people usually use for babies, or their pets.

Lia simply squealed and tried to copy Clara's words, but it all came out as gibberish. Miles was simply watching Clara take her breakfast to the couch, and turn Gossip Girl on. He was kind of surprised at how her attitude changed so significantly between him and Lia, but in his opinion, it was pretty cute. "Okay, this baby isn't too bad." He admitted, sitting down next to the small child, who adorably smiled and pointed at her bowl with eggs. "You want your eggs to be fed to you, huh? Aight, but only cus you're cute."

As Miles started feeding Clara's niece, she wasn't even focused on the TV, but on Miles. He'd always been saying he hated kids, and that he'd never touch or like them, but there he was, smiling and high-fiving a baby. "Next time you say you hate kids, I'm not believing you." She chuckled, taking a bite of her own toast.

"Nah, Lia's an exception. She's the only baby I like." He softly booped Lia's nose, which completely blew Clara away. Never in the — nearly — four years she'd known him, had she seen him acting so sweet and cute.

A soft smile crept onto her face, when she looked at the two next to her again. She could already imagine Miles with two babies, spoiling them like he had unlimited money. But, before her thoughts could go any further, she shook them away, and cut her toast in half. "Since you're so nice to my baby niece, I'll let you have half of my toast." She handed Miles the side that was completely untouched, and rolled her eyes when he grinned at her.

He took a huge bite of the toast, basically inhaling 3/4 of it, and making Clara scoff loudly. "You should be a chef, mami." A chuckle left his lips, "Really. This shit is good."

Before Clara could answer anything, Lia just suddenly started crying because there was a loud bang and flash on the TV, probably scaring her. "Aw, gotcha. Yeah.. You're good, it's okay." She picked Lia up and held her to her chest, letting her calm down with someone she trusted. "Hey, hey. Who's that pretty little girl on my phone? Is that you, Lia? Hm?" As she took her phone out and showed it to her niece so she could see her reflection, Lia immediately shut up and started pointing at herself.

Roomie - Miles G. Morales | Earth 42 Miles MoralesWhere stories live. Discover now