𝟎𝟎𝟕. Cherry lips

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The next day, Clara got up way too early to her liking, having to travel a long time for her photoshoot. And, she had to be extra quiet, since
accidentally waking Miles up was a game she played once, and didn't plan on playing ever again. After about half an hour of lazily walking around the apartment to grab the rest of her stuff, her phone pinged, hinting that Lucia was texting her - because who else would get up at 4.30 in the morning..? -.

I'm here, open the door!!

When she opened the door for her older sister, Clara's sight got blinded by the intense light of the hallway. "Ugh, Jesus.." Half a second after Lucia walked in, she basically slammed the door shut behind her, but careful enough not to wake Miles up. "Morning."

"Good morning!" Lucia squealed, way too excited and loud. So loud, she actually scared Clara into thinking her roommate was gonna wake up, so she immediately put a finger on her own lips, trying to shush Lucia. "Oh, sorry. Let's go, you don't wanna be late." Her voice had lowered to a whisper, as she carefully followed her sister who grabbed a bottle of wine out of the refrigerator.

Shaking her head, Clara apologetically smiled while storing the bottle in a cooking bag. "Don't think about it too much. I got up at four thirty, I won't survive this day without a bit of alcohol." A soft chuckle left her lips, before grabbing her bag and her keys.

The nervousness from the previous night hadn't disappeared from Clara's stomach, if they didn't get even worse. It was so bad, she didn't even want to eat anything, even if she was allowed to - which she wasn't, the models weren't even allowed to eat anything 18 hours before the shoot, which Clara did do -.

"D'acord, estic preparat. Crec. Això esperi. En realitat, no, no estic preparat, però vaig." Clara giggled, as Lucia dragged her out of her apartment, and closed the door behind her.
"Okay, I'm ready. I think. I hope. Actually, no, I'm not ready, but I'm going."

While she did, she realized Clara was finally speaking in Catalan, and clapped her hands. "Ah, per fi! Vaig pensar que mai no et sentiria parlar la nostra llengua materna." Lucia had never felt happier to hear her sister speak Catalan, since Clara was determined to let go of that part of her.
"Oh, finally! I thought I'd never hear you speak our mother language."

A smile crept up onto her face, feeling the relief of speaking the language she had grown up hearing. "Ni tan sols me'n vaig adonar.. Crec que és perquè és la primera vegada en gairebé quatre anys que em sento prou segura per parlar Català." Clara stepped into the elevator, that was still up there since nobody was using it that early.
"I didn't even realize.. I think it's because it's the first time in almost four years I've felt safe enough to speak Catalan."

The two sisters kept speaking in their language, Clara occasionally pulling her bottle of wine out, and taking a sip while sitting in a cab, on their way to the huge train station. It was a long ride, and it was the first time after what felt like centuries Clara and Lucia were alone for longer than 15 minutes, so they had lots of fun.

As soon as they arrived at the train they were supposed to take, Clara pulled Lucia into it, already feeling a bit of the buzz because of the wine, giving her the hint she should stop, since she was drinking on an empty stomach.

"Ugh, tell me why I'm drinking at five thirty in the morning on an empty stomach." She groaned, pulling her legs up, and resting her head on her knees. "Why didn't you stop me? I'm not even allowed to drink this much water, let alone wine."

Lucia softly laughed, grabbing the cool bag from her sister and putting it next to her. "You told me not to think about it too much, so I didn't." Looking at Clara for an answer, she saw that she was laying with her head in her arms, on the table. Lucia could see her eyes were closed, and that her breathing was in an even pattern.

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