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After a huge event like Student's Week at Goldenlux Academy, I don't think anyone was excited for the resumption of classes. It took me twice the time I usually take to put my uniform on and get myself ready. By the time I arrived at school, I was ten minutes late into my first class, but upon arriving at Ms. Xi's classroom, I noticed that half of the seats were still unoccupied. First period was dull and students arrived at random parts of the hour.

The rest of the day flew by uneventful. The sun was shining bright and the birds were chirping the whole day, but my spirit couldn't be the least bit affected by the beauty of outdoors.

At lunch, Jie was asleep, claiming to have binge-watched You until four in the morning. The only good thing that happened all day was Aiden's cookie shots. The same ones that he sold for two dollars each last week.

"You could've asked for a discount, you know," he laughed as I took a fourth one into my mouth, "Or bargained a week's worth of assignment for a box."

A week's worth of assignment for a box of cylindrical cookies with minty chocolate pudding in the middle? If it's Aiden's food, it's worth it.

Sean wasn't with us during lunch. In fact, I haven't seen him all day. Jeric said that he called in sick but I know it's bullshit. And here I was, excited to hear about his date with mystery girl.

"Do you think Mr. Camillo's in his office?" I whispered to Aiden when we were out of earshot.

"He's always in his office, as far as I know," he gave me a wary look, "Why? Dropping by?"

"If I get too bored," I crossed my arms and opened my locker, dumping notebooks into it, "Goldenlux would be boring without him."

Aiden rose a brow.

"And you guys, of course," I patted his head like a dog but him being overly tall made me need to tiptoe. We walked to our next classroom.

"Hey, did you know that Sean asked a girl out?"

Aiden paused and shoved his hands deep into his pockets.

"No. When was this?"

"He..." I hugged myself, "After we had dinner the night of the talent show, he told me that we should stop. He also said that he's ready for a relationship and it wouldn't work out if he was doing me on the side. He went on a date yesterday. I haven't heard from him, I was just thinking that maybe you did."

"No, we haven't talked since Saturday. Are you okay?"

"Yes. Why wouldn't I be?"

"Nothing. It's just that maybe you've formed an emotional bond with him and now you're reevaluating."

We stopped in front of the chem lab, "Me? An emotional bond with a fuck buddy?"

Aiden shrugged dramatically.

"You know what? Never mind," I pulled the door open, "Sean's probably okay."

At dismissal, I met up with Jie and a few other girls. Despite it being a school night, we all agreed that we deserve some retail therapy. Jared drove us to the nearest mall and we shopped for the next three hours. For dinner, we ate at a local seafood restaurant.

"This is random, but what are your thoughts on Mr. Camillo?" asked one of the girls. Helena, with short blonde hair. I nearly choked on my crabstick.

"He's hot," said Kristine, one of Jie's friends.

"Very," was Cassie's response which got a giggle from everyone. Everyone but me.

"Not my type, but he's attractive," said Jie before they all faced me for my opinion.

Resisting Rosaleen (18+)Where stories live. Discover now