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It's Friday and I'm in no TGIF mood. Thursday, which was yesterday, was one of the many days in my life that I wouldn't mind losing memory of. It was uneventful and my mood was more on the negative side.

Throughout the day, Nick and I were texting each other giving short updates and sharing little stories about our day. I didn't have much to tell compared to him. From what I can gather, he was genuinely having fun and he and his wife were getting along quite well.

I'm happy for him. As I should be, right?

I haven't told him yet that I agreed to hang out with Eric. What Eric and I planned wasn't really a date. After Sean overheard my plans for Friday night, I followed him outside to talk. I convinced Sean that Eric truly was just a friend. To ease mine, Aiden's, and Jie's guilt from Sean's little issue, they agreed to hang out with Eric and I to make the night less romantic.

I was hoping that Eric would cancel our plans upon hearing my offer of letting two of my best friends join, but he took the kind-hearted approach saying yes and telling me that it was a good idea.

It's Friday and I'm in no TGIF mood. Lunch was average. Jie and Jeric were publicly displaying affection, Aiden was busy with prom, and Sean was avoiding me.

Upon hearing that I agreed to hang out with Eric, Wyatt was thrilled. I made a mental note to lecture him about me not needing a wingman.

Even though Jie's guilty about Sean, she still believes that I should give other guys a chance because she didn't want me to pine over a married man when there are many more fish in the sea.

By seven in the evening, Aiden arrived in light-washed jeans and a baby pink hoodie that brought out the yellow of his hair. I went casual too, not wanting Eric to think too much into it.

We jammed to Tame Impala as we cooked dinner. By we, I meant Aiden with me showing him where things are located and even failing at the said simple task because I rarely use the kitchen.

Jie arrived thirty minutes into eight. By then, everything was ready and we were only waiting for Eric who arrived ten minutes later. We ate dinner which felt pretty quick but actually lasted an hour and a half. I guess that's what happens when the company's good and small talk goes a long way. We didn't notice how time flew by fast and we probably wouldn't have if Sean had not arrived to make us realize how late it's gotten.

Yes, Sean.

Sean Caron showed up to my front door as we were taking our time with the dessert, laughing about memes and politics. Sean was clothed as dark as the night in a simple black shirt and black jeans. No one can go wrong with all black. One can, however, go wrong with going someplace they're not invited.

"Sorry I'm late," he said with no hesitation, "I heard you invited your friends to hang out and I figured I'd drop by since I am a friend of yours, after all."

The pettiness was spilling all over.

I was planning on apologizing again to Sean once I've dealt with Eric, but it looks like he wanted to take matters into his own hands. Instead of arguing, freaking out, or apologizing for the nth time, I stepped to the side and simply said "Go ahead."

Two pairs of eyes widened and gave each other knowings looks when Sean emerged into the dining room. Then, the said eyes looked at me expectantly.

"Eric, this is Sean," I announced.

I was starting to get drained by the men thrown into my life. I had a split-second thought to just be into girls at that point.

Eric got up and walked to Sean who stood prideful and mighty beside me. "I'm Sean," the newly arrived repeated as he held his hand out and raised his chin defiantly.

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