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SeanTheFish: I wanna drown him.

MagicAiden69: I wanna burn him alive.

JieJieOnThatBeat: lol calm tf down

JieJieOnThatBeat: my wif's acting up i cant send gifs damnit

HaskinsJeric: Rose, I hope you're okay.

MagicAiden69: She's obviously not.

MagicAiden69: I hope you ate the cookies I sent RosesAreRedYourBallsAreBlue

SeanTheFish: Your username is inconveniently long, mi rosa.

HaskinsJeric: We're here for you, Rose.

HaskinsJeric: My house is literally five minutes away from Camillo's. I can jump his ass lolol

SeanTheFish: Don't mention the name.

MagicAiden69: If it weren't for the baby, I would've ran him over with a car.

JieJieOnThatBeat: dont mention the baby ssob.

JieJieOnThatBeat: i wanna cut nick's dick off

JieJieOnThatBeat: it's prolly not that big lmfao snip snip

MagicAiden69: It must be if Rose chose it over Sean's.

JieJieOnThatBeat: sksksksksk

SeanTheFish: Fight me MagicAiden69

MagicAiden69: Brb. Making lunch.

HaskinsJeric: Can I come over for lunch MagicAiden69?

MagicAiden69: Sure

JieJieOnThatBeat: me too :<

MagicAiden69: Everyone's welcome.

MagicAiden69: You too, RosesAreRedYourBallsAreBlue. I know you're reading this.

MagicAiden69: We love you.

I turned my phone off and tossed it to the side. Sleep came at three in the morning and left unbidden at five—that's two hours of sleep. It's now twelve in the afternoon and like the previous days, I feel like shit.

Shit, despite its versatility, was not enough of a word to describe whatever the hell that's got a hold of me.

Charlotte was sweet enough to bring me breakfast in bed. It was a stack of pancakes with a chocolate smile on top and came with a tiny note which held a list of things that got her through her previous breakups. It started off with 'eat a large stack of pancakes.'

Wyatt, on the other hand, checks up as often as he can. By checking up, I mean that he insists on hiring someone to beat the living soul out of 'my ex' multiple times a day. It's gotten so annoying that I might just say yes. I'm pretty sure the assassin would be Jared.

Jared. My driver has done his fair share of checking up on me as well. Wyatt tried asking me so much but I guess Jared's loyalty had transferred to me because he stood his ground and didn't reveal who my true 'ex' was. The man didn't have much errands since I was at home most of the time. He kept showing me photos of Ellie playing with the gifts I got her. Although cute, seeing a child just made me feel worse.

I wonder who the baby will look like: Bianca or Nick?

The general rehearsal for graduation was yesterday and it was a good thing that Mr. Camillo had matters to attend to with Mr. Ramsford because I sure as hell couldn't shake his hand and bow on the platform without tearing up.

My friends have been like angels. I was truly thankful that I found them and got to spend time with such humans even for a few short months. Even Leonel, who was on an ill-timed business trip, has been supportive as a friend. He's been sending me memes—a lot of memes, some I can't even relate to. Bottom line was that people were treating me as if someone I love had died.

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