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I hate Goldenlux Academy. I hate this town. I hate school. I hate principals. I hate teachers. I hate my family. I hate the breakfast I ate. I hate my damn car. I hate this damn bag. I hate the fucking classroom. I hate Bianca Camillo. I hate everything.

"You're redirecting your anger to everything around you so you won't have to hate yourself."

Aiden's look told me that he was right. He popped a chocolate-dipped almond into his mouth and ran his fingers through his hair.

"I'm not."

I crossed my arms in front of my chest. I know my faults and my wrongdoings. I know that I led that man into temptation and possibly ruined a young and beautiful marriage. I know that. It's what I wanted to do and I'm finally doing it.

So why do I feel this way?

Annoyed, I sighed and tugged on my hair which I had time to curl this morning since I woke up at 3am and wasn't able to fall back to sleep. There's frustration within me and I could not pinpoint its source. All I knew was that I was blaming Nikolas. Nikolas and everything else.

Aiden stared at me long and hard across the lunch table. "Maybe you need some coffee," he offered.

"I already drank four cups," I grumbled. I grabbed my bag and slung it over my shoulder.

"Where are you going?"

"I need some air."

The cafeteria was lively again. Students have recovered from students' week and everything was back to normal. Almost everything.

There were freshmen in the hallways and there were seniors in the courtyard. Teachers were either in their lounge or in their secluded corner in the cafeteria. After a short stop at the bathroom, something every girl can't resist, I made my way to the double oakwood doors. I raised my hand to knock when the door swung and Maia Rivera walked out.

"Rose, hey," she said. She had a file in hand. Over her shoulder, I could see Nikolas standing behind his desk with his large hands fixing the delicate sheets of paper on the surface.

"Hi," I smiled at the girl who managed to gain my friendship over her first few days. She and Sean are inseparable and I'm surprised that he wasn't in there with her.

"Where's Sean?" I asked before she scanned the area.

"Went to his locker."

I eyed the envelope in her delicate hands.

"I'm trying out for the debate team," she shook the file in the air, "There's a competition soon."

"Oh, good luck."

Get out of the way and let me the fuck in so I can see him.

"See you later," she beamed at me before walking away.

When I stepped into Nick's office, his eyes were already on me. His shoulders were squared and his fingers were fiddling with a fountain pen. I locked the door behind me and without breaking eye contact, walked to the front of his desk where I let my bag drop to the ground.

Then came the staring contest.

He stared.

I stared.

He stared some more.

I stared some more.

More staring.

He sighed.

I cocked my head to the side.

We stared.

Resisting Rosaleen (18+)Where stories live. Discover now