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You know what's inevitable when you have siblings? their assumptions about your love life.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" Wyatt asked indifferently and out of the blue, as if the question was the same as 'Hey, have you seen my keys?'

"Uhh," I mildly glared at my brother who was drenching his bacon in hot sauce. Who even does that? "No, I don't."

"Really?" he asked as he poured himself another cup of coffee.

"Yes, really," I looked at him weirdly, "What makes you think I have one?"

He pursed his lips before his eyes met mine, "You and Charlotte have been talking about boys."

Damn it, Charlie.

"She didn't tell me directly," he added, "It kinda just slipped."

I groaned and poked my stack of waffles, "I don't have a boyfriend," I looked him straight in the eye for conviction.

And failed.

"I really don't!"

"Defensive, are we?" he raised his eyebrows and slowly put a mouthful of macaroni into his mouth, mocking me. God, the most annoying faces you'll see in your life are your sibling's.

"I tell you whenever I'm dating someone, right?" I cocked my head to the left. Wyatt nodded.

"Then I would've told you by now if I was seeing someone," I said.

"Relax," Wyatt held his hands up, "You can date if you want, Rose. You're nineteen and you're free to have a boyfriend." My brother wiped his mouth with a table napkin. His face softened as he spoke again, "I just hope that whoever it is brings you more happiness than problems."

"Wyatt," I started again, "I don't have a boyfriend. Not yet."

"I believe you," he didn't sound convincing, "Just sharing my opinions.

Plus, you're always out and I don't know who you're with. I'm starting to think you don't need Jared anymore," he said with a tight smile, his dimples appearing on his face.

I wish I got my dad's dimples too.

All I got was his sluttiness.

"I don't have a boyfriend," I settled with finality, "and yes, I do think you can let Jared do something other than follow me around now."

I glanced at Jared who stood by the doorway to the pantry. Then I brought my attention back to breakfast. Wyatt woke up extra early today to make food himself, giving the cook a little break.

My brother wasn't the best chef in the world and it shows with the burnt edges of my waffle, but I appreciate his little efforts. I helped myself to some more bacon which made my big brother smile.

"Charlotte's birthday is coming up," he told me and I was already aware of it.

"Are we up to something?" because surprising people does sound fun, especially when I'm fond of the person.

"Surprise birthday party?" Wyatt smirked with traces of black coffee above his lips.

I smiled back, "Just tell me what I need to do."

"I was thinking of something simple," said my brother, "Just friends from work."

"Sure," I took the last strip of bacon into my mouth. I don't get why a lot of people hate the fat part—it's my favorite.

"And maybe Nikolas—they're old pals so maybe he can help," Wyatt added. Jared's eyes met mine at the mention of Nikolas. We still needed a long discussion about that.

Resisting Rosaleen (18+)Where stories live. Discover now