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Goldenlux Academy was alive and active when we got there. The usual scene unfolded before me: students in their cars, in their parents' cars, in deluxe school buses, and some even walking.

"Where do I go again?" he asked as his brows furrowed and eyes narrowed. His hands were on the wheel, sleeves rolled up and jacket in the backseat.

As I pointed at the unloading zone, Charlotte spoke up after a while of silence, "I missed this place." She was left feeling nostalgic when I opened my door and said my goodbyes to both of them.

"See you later," I waved weakly at Wyatt and slung my bag over my shoulder, feeling how heavy it is today because of the extra reference books.

I waved at the car until it was out of sight.

"Was that Mr. Martin?" a deep voice asked from beside me. I heard Nick before I saw him, but when I saw him, I couldn't see anything else.

"Mr. Martin," I repeated, rolling my eyes at the formality, "You two hang out in yachts and go drinking but you still call him Mr. Martin?"

"We're at school," he put his hands in his pockets, "I don't wanna be disrespectful."

"It's not like anyone can hear you," I replied, pertaining to our environment of chatting teenagers and whining students. Heck, even the teachers looked unmotivated on a Wednesday.

"In that case," he stepped closer and I stopped my brows from rising at his actions, "How are you?" he asked, dangerously close to my ear.

We didn't look intimate. He was close and that's it. Others might even think that I'm in trouble and that our dear principal is inviting me for a confidential discussion.

"Horny," I crossed my arms defiantly across my chest, "Think you can do anything about it?"

He chuckled lowly and I felt goosebumps at the back of my neck, "Oh, don't tempt me, Ms. Martin "

Quickly, I turned to my side, pleasantly shocked to see how close he is. This is dangerous. "Are you flirting with me, Mr. Camillo?"

I can tell he was entertained. His eves were shining bright with amusement, honey-gold under the sunlight.

"No," his lower lip stuck out and I had the adorable sight engraved in my mind, "I'm just saying that you shouldn't tempt me. It would be compromising for both of us."

I bit my lip, supressing the growing smile on my lips. "I wouldn't mind."

"Yeah, since you have a record for it. Literally. But I do," he rose a brow. Then, he turned for the main doors, "So get to class and stop thinking of me. See you later."

See you later?

Does that mean he's expecting me in his office later? Should I go?

I kept thinking about it until I made it to first period. Aiden was the first to greet me like always. He yawned and rubbed at his eyes, stretching and dropping his bag on the floor with a thump. Looking spent, he dropped into his chair.

"Are you okay?" I asked reluctantly, unsure if this kind of Aiden was irritable or not.

"Yes," he ran his palm down his face, "You friends, Rose. They kept me up last night."

"That so doesn't sound right so please, elaborate further," my eyes widened and I started getting my essentials out.

"At your brother's party I gave them my number because I didn't wanna be rude," he sighed, "And last night my phone kept buzzing. I replied and replied and replied but I had homework to do. I didn't get much sleep."

Resisting Rosaleen (18+)Where stories live. Discover now