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Have you ever stared at an object so much that it started looking funny in your eyes? Have you ever stared at a door so much that you started questioning its very purpose in the world? Have you ever stared at a slab of wood with a metal knob so much that you started wondering why it's called a door in the first place?

You might be thinking that I woke up high on coke for having weird questions at nine in the morning but really I'm just a nineteen-year-old woman who stared too long at her bedroom door when her eyes opened because she didn't want to get up just yet.

Not after the dream she just had.

But the Earth rotates and revolves, the days go on, and clocks won't stop. So, with all I had in me, I forced my ass off the bed and into the shower. My outfit for the day was a simple floral dress.

Wyatt was already at work, thus, the empty living room and the clutter on the dining table being tidied by a maid. Judging by the weather, today's a great day. It was a good thing I had sunglasses in my purse because the sun bitch-slapped me the moment I walked out the door.

"Chop, chop, Jared," I said as I walked to the car, "We have somewhere to be."

Jared and I have been up and down. He was pissed that I ditched him again but it was surprising that he hasn't gotten used to being outsmarted by me yet.

"Where to this time?" he asked, adjusting the mirror.

"I'm supposed to invite the Alexeevs," I said to him. It wasn't necessarily a lie. I told my brother I'd be happy to give Leonel an invitation personally when I visit Viktor. But I wasn't visiting Viktor, it was just an excuse to meet with Leo for lunch.

The restaurant that Leonel chose was far but he also said it would be worth the travel. When we got there, I insisted that Jared stay in the car. I promise him that I wouldn't try to escape.

If anyone asks me why Leonel and I keep seeing each other, all I can say is that it's what friends do. He's been a great listener and his company's not the worst. Plus, he has nice music taste and he pays for food.

Free food and free therapy sessions. What's not to like?

I came earlier than the man, though before I was able to question a chair's origin and purpose on Earth from staring too hard, Mr. Alexeev arrived.

"Good afternoon," Leo was extra chirpy, greeting me as he pulled the chair out and sat.

We ordered our food—Greek cuisine along with the drink of the day.

"Charlotte's birthday?" he started, placing the table napkin across his lap, "I'm not sure if I can be there."

"Why not?" I pouted since he's the only friend I'll have there to keep me at least a bit entertained. Aside from Nick.

"A surprise party?" he scoffed, "That's not up my streak. Can you imagine me with a party hat on, carrying a party popper and waiting for Charlotte?"

I guess he has a point. "Not really," the waiter arrived with the drinks, "But come late then."

"We'll see, Rosaleen," he smiled once before bringing the glass to his lips.

"Please be there," I added, "You're the only adult worth talking to." Who would I socialize with? Charlotte's co-workers?

"Isn't Nikolas going to be there?" he asked.

A waitress approached, serving us appetizers which I shamelessly dove into the moment the plate was laid. I groaned at the mention of Nikolas.

"You were right, Leo," I sighed, "I think I'm getting attached to him and I don't want that.

"Easy," he shrugged, "Distance yourself."

Resisting Rosaleen (18+)Where stories live. Discover now