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I hate plumbers.

Specifically, plumbers named Bernie who ruin dick appointments.

I hope Bernie doesn't get laid for the rest of Bernie's life or that women bite Bernie's dick whenever Bernie gets blowjobs.

I realized that I was staring into oblivion once again: oblivion being the flower sculpture on Wyatt's coffee table. Why not just buy real flowers, I thought but then remembered that Wyatt's a child in the body of a thirty-one-year-old and probably thinks that flowers were too girly for him.

It's currently Sunday—two days after Nikolas almost slipped his wiener inside me. Yes, almost which was very heart-rending, dispiriting, disenchanting—if you ask me if I googled synonyms of the word 'saddening', then you're damn right I did, for the sole purpose of sappy tweeting.

Charlotte walked into the room and I instantly saw her as a distraction from my grievous thoughts. The woman smiled kindly at me as she set two cups of iced coffee on the coffee table-letting the piece of furniture live up to its name. Then, she sunk into the sofa across mine and crossed her legs.

Her navy blue slacks emphasized the length of her legs and I found myself getting jealous—I have the legs of a Smurf. It's the Filipino genes.

"What's with the long face?" Charlotte asked as she took a sip of her drink.

"Just thinking of all the work I have to do for school," I lied smoothly, "All the work that I don't plan on starting with any time soon." I took the cup and filled my mouth with brew.

"Where's my brother?" I glanced out the window behind Char, admiring the cityscapes that surrounded Wyatt's building.


"Shouldn't you be there? or close?" I yawned. I was so tired despite that all I've been doing was online shopping and having Wyatt's interns bring me food.

"He told me to keep you company." Char sounded delighted to do so. It made me wonder if she has younger siblings too because we get along well. Or maybe she's just that type of person.

"Char?" I yawned again.


"Do you have any siblings?" I asked out of the blue. She didn't seem to mind.

"I do, actually. Now that you've mentioned it, I haven't seen him in too long."

"He's a he?"

"You were expecting a she?" it was more of a statement than a question. I nodded my head.

"He's a he," Charlotte shrugged, "He goes to college in Brooklyn. I last saw him two months ago."

I nodded my head slowly. For some reason, all arrows point to that place. "How about your parents? Do you see them often?"

There was a tender smile on her lips, "I never met my dad," she explained, "But my stepdad made up for it. He and my mother live in this big lake house Virginia. I visit often."

"Seems nice." I sighed and admired the view, envying Wyatt that he gets to see it everyday.

"Oh, it's nice all right, " her smile was so bright it reached her pretty eyes, "You and your brother should come with me." Then, as if realizing how serious that sounds, she added, "I-If you're up for it and you have nothing to do this summer."

"That's sounds great." I really wanted a break from everything.

The sound of a Snoop Dogg song came from nowhere and it took me a second to realize that it was Charlotte's phone. With a cringe, she answered and excused herself out.

Resisting Rosaleen (18+)Where stories live. Discover now