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You know what's better than food? More food.

I eat more than I workout but I really couldn't be bothered when midterms start the next day and I was having exquisite lunch with a Russian millionaire. Stress eating it is.

"You want more?" Leonel asked. He must've seen the way I murdered the salmon and the way I've been eyeing his plate as if it were Nick's dick.

"No, I'm fine." Please convince me.

Are you sure?" he looked amused.

"Yes, I'm sure."

"Really, really sure?"

"Well," I shrugged and reached for the fish, "If you insist..."

"Order as much as you want. My treat."

He brought his drink to his lips. A waitress came to refill it. I did not miss the way her eyes scanned Leonel the same way I looked at Leo's fish a minute ago. And Leonel, by his nature, reciprocated.

"Men," I teased with a roll of my eyes.

We've been closer than ever. I found an unlikely friendship in Leonel. He's great and I guess that's how him and Wyatt are still companions through the years.

"Did something happen with Nikolas that made you want to generalize the male species again?" he sounded amused. Leo waved at a waiter for some dessert.

"If he wants me, he better get me because I'm not gonna be waiting around for him anymore."

Leonel snorted, "Women."

He crossed his legs, "You were the one who started it, don't forget. I feel like you only said that because you're sure he's gonna want more now."

"Then congrats to me." I put my glass up and he clunk his own against it.

For the next hour, we talked about various things that piqued our interests. Leonel's dessert came in a larger amount than mine and I'm guessing it was because of the female employees' own piqued interest in Leonel.

"I should take you home," he said momentarily after checking his phone for the time, "You need to study."

"And you have a business to run." I was pregnant with food and getting up was a tremendous feat.

"That I do," he stood and we walked to the parking lot where his flashy luxury car was parked.

Leonel was a big fan of rock. That much I could gather from the music selection in his car. From Pink Floyd to Queen, Bon Jovi to Metallica, and Ramones to Van Halen. I heard it all during our thirty-minute ride home.

"Thanks for lunch" I said, "And for the time."

"Thank you too," smirking, he looked devilishly handsome, "I had fun."

"I'd be happy to do this again soon. See you when I see you?"

"See you," he replied. I leaned forward to plant a soft kiss on his cheek. Then, I got out. The house was quiet when I got inside. That's why I let him bring me home—because Wyatt was away.

I poured fresh lemonade into a glass with ice, almost spilling it when someone spoke from behind me.


I jumped, but clumsiness be pissed that I didn't spill the liquid. I put the pitcher down and turned to see Nikolas.

"What in the hell are you doing in my house?"

"Not the greeting I expected," he almost laughed, "but I'll take it," he shoved his hands into his pockets.

"Seriously "I crossed my arms in front of me, "What are you doing here?" and it was odd how the tables have turned.

Resisting Rosaleen (18+)Where stories live. Discover now