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I watched Magic Mike for stress relief. It had me wondering if Nikolas Camillo can dance which then lead to vivid imagines of him shirtless with a bandana, leather jeans, and heavy combat boots. Eventually, it became a dream: I had dreamt that Nikolas, Sean, and Eric had formed a stripper group and the pimp was Aiden Philipps in a maroon velvet coat and a boa.

After my encounter with Sean, I was left on my bed thinking about the shit I got myself into. After much deliberation, I settled with a new and firm goal: to make Nikolas realize that his relationship with Bianca is shit, get them to separate, and see where it goes from there.

The guilt was pushed away when I told myself that I might be doing the man a favor. It's better for them to end things now, early down the line, instead of having bigger, more complicated problems to face that test their faithfulness later on. I'm saving him from wasting his time.

After that, I'll deal with other problems like getting my brother to accept my boyfriend.

And, if things do not work my way and this goes batshit nuts, then I'll deal with it then.

All I know now is that I want Mr. Camillo so I'm getting him.

Dani went by at around noon and we spent the next few hours lounging by the pool. It was relaxing and exactly what I needed.

It was a nice day: the sun was out but it didn't burn. The sky was nearly clear and the water from the pool had just been replaced. Dani was flaunting her curves in a one-piece with high hip cuts. I was in a usual red two-piece. A day by the pool is exactly what I needed to get my mind straight.

Dani took over the speakers and played some relaxing music for a change. She had a magazine in her hands but it seemed like she was only looking at the pictures rather than reading the text.

I put my sunglasses on and we settled into each other's peace. Minutes flew by before someone finally talked.

"I want him," said my friend. I opened one eye to see Jared through the glass window to the dining area. He was, as always, in his suit. I guess Wyatt asked him to keep an eye out for us, like the last time my friends and I had a pool date.

Dani kept staring shamelessly at Jared who was looking back but with a straight face, ignoring Dani completely.

"Don't creep him out," I said to her. But then again, I'm pretty sure Jared can reject her on his own.

Dani looked offended, putting a hand to her chest. "Me? creepy?" she scoffed, "How can a pretty girl look creepy?"

One thing about Dani is that she's rarely humbled.

I would've ignored the interaction and continued my nap if Dani had not started gesturing. She waved her hand and gestured at Jared to come to us. "Hey, come here!" she said, nearly squealing. She smiled and looked pretty doing so, bunny teeth noticeable.

Jared looked hesitant before he finally obeyed and walked outside, putting his shades on to shield his eyes. His complete suit, compared to my two-piece, looking fucking hot and I'd be sweating balls.

"Hey, handsome," Daniella began as he neared us. I started feeling sorry for the man. One teenage girl was enough to deal with.

"No, you don't have to do that, Jared," I said to the guy as I put my own shades up.

Dani whined, "Why?" she grabbed a bottle from the floor, "I'm just gonna ask him to put some sunscreen on me."

She looked friendly enough and with Dani's good looks, any guy would melt and become sunscreen themselves. Jared, on the other hand, looked both blank and agitated. Blank for Dani and agitated for me as I've seen his quiet annoyance many times before. Of course—I, myself, am very annoying. The cherry on top was his hands secured at his back.

Resisting Rosaleen (18+)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang