Warnings + Info

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Heavily inspired by the GATE anime series
(Modern warfare vs Medieval Warfare)

The song above kinda fits the theme of this story

Edit (3/23/24) - Updated layout and added new warnings


Words - Storytelling

"Words" - Dialogue

"Words" - Thoughts

*words* - Sound/action in Dialogue

«Snom» - Snom

•Words• - Radio/walkie talkie

•"Words"• - Digital talking through hologram




Perla x Katipunan




I seriously don't know how this story popped into my head but I'm blaming the GATE anime series being too interesting (excluding the harem parts).


This story is solely made to mock cliche isekai stories and will contain said cliche isekai moments.


This story includes the following down below

Historical Countries

Third Reich
Imperial Japan
Fascist Italy
Soviet Union

This story is not intended to support them nor their actions.

Mentioning/Implement of war crimes | Medieval times had barely any human rights


Slight drinking(?)

Someone willingly to trade their virginity over an simple mistake

The 1000 year old dragon girl that looks like a six year old or some shit idk I don't watch those type of anime shows | Lolis shouldn't even exist in the first place

Mass genocide happening on a species/race

Racism (towards different species. Including the CH)


Mentioning/Implement of Homophobia

Slavery | Every cliche Isekai world has slavery in it and the MC always buys a harem member from the damned system

Abusive Relationships

Implement/Mentioning Suicide + Self Harm (Will show up at 1/2 - 3/4 of the story)

Implement/Mentioning of S/A and Sexual Harassment (Will show up at 3/4 of the story)

Body Dysmorphia (?)


If you or a loved one has been S/A or received Sexual Harassment, boy or girl, please reach out to someone you trust or help the person.
Anyone can be a victim or abuser, no matter the gender, status or age.
Please note that whatever happened was not your fault whatsoever.

If you or a loved one had or has suicidal faults or has done self harm, again, please reach out for help and contact your country's national suicide prevention hotline. You're not alone.

I do apologize if I make any errors when the parts of these two subjects appeared. I did and do not mean to offend anyone about it. If you spot an error, please correct me so that I can fix it as soon as possible.

The same thing can go with the Body Dysmorphia part as well.

Thank you. Have a good day/night/afternoon

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