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Warning: Torturing, offensive word (I censor it don't worry), sexism (ew) and a dead fish video

The birds were singing.
The sun was shining.
What a beautifu-


Someone was banging on the bedroom door of the Anglo and French country who just got out of the sleeping spell but was still sleeping.


The British country was the first to wake up with a groan.

"Who is it?" The country groaned tiredly.

He had a good sleep last night but it was like his body was knocked out despite not doing anything exhausting yesterday.


"Third why the fuck..." Britain paused before looking at the clock.

It was 6 in the morning.

"Third why the fuck are you up at six in the morning?!" Britain finished his previous sentence.

"W-W-What...?" France was starting to wake up.

"That's not important. What is important is that we got some new information. So get your fatass out of bed and get ready." The German spoke behind the door but there was some impatience in his voice.

"Wait. Since when?!"

Now Britain grew concerned.
Why was Third up at 6:00 a.m?!
When and how did they get new information?!
What even happened when he was asleep?!

Britain goes to check his phone only to see that the tracker beep notification went off around midnight.
And it only beeps when the Axis has left a certain distance away from their group.
That could only mean one thing:
They snuck out and did something.

"Bloody hell what the fuck did they do?!"


After getting changed and all of that, the axis was waiting outside and it also appears that they woke Soviet up.

"What the fuck did you do?! Why did your three asses snuck out around midnight?!" Britain was a bit grumpy as he demanded answers.

"Helped out with preventing the Empire's attack. Don't believe us? Just read this letter that we borrowed." Imperial got the letter out and handed it towards the British country.

Britain began mumbling through the lines as he read it.
The letter was a military alliance of the Empire with the Nov'tri military and even their overlord to destroy and conquer the CH's world.

"Where did you even get this in the first place?!"

"We found their little camp settlement near the same beach cliff side that we were at. It was a little bit inland and we didn't see it once we arrived." The Italian explained, "So...we pay them a little visit."

"You massacred an entire settlement. Didn't you?" France didn't look amused.

"I wouldn't say we killed them. We just...helped them retire."

"From life?" Soviet deadpanned as he finished the German's sentence.

"You said that you gained more information but yet the entire settlement is dead. How do you suppose we get the actual information to tell UN without worrying that this is a set up?"

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