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The part where that sneak peek character appears :)

It was a quiet winter morning in Arachnid.
The sun was shining.
The birds were chirping.
A few squirrels playing on trees.

What a wonderful time to be alive-

"Sorry Papa!"

"Wha- AGH! M-MINA!"

The downsides of raising a child is that they tend to jump on beds at times.
Even when their parents are still sleeping on it.
Mina, like any other child, jumped on her parents' bed to wake them up.
In the process she so happens to hop on the Roach's back, causing both of them to wake up.

Roach woke from the fact Mina hopped directly on his back as Imperial got hit when Roach suddenly got pushed down on her.

"M-Mina...why did you jump on our bed?"

"Uncle Soviet told me to. He says that it will be the only way to wake you guys up since everyone else is already up. He also told me that if I jump on Papa's back, he'll let me hold Snom for the day!" Mina explained her reasoning as she was excited to hold Snom but apologized before she gets in trouble, "Sorry Papa but I really wanted to hold Snom!"

"T-That fucking bastard!" Third cursed Soviet for bribing his (Third's) "daughter" to hop on his back.

Imperial goes to take a look at the time, hoping it was the early afternoon.
It was seven o' clock.

What a way to wake up too at this dreadful time of the day.

"It's seven in the morning...why do they want us to wake up at seven?!"

Mina shrugged before she hopped down from the bed.
Leaving the two in the room as Third is still recovering from Mina jumping on his back.

It's gonna take him a while.


"Wow! Luna was right! Snom is squishy and cold!" Mina giggled as she playfully yet carefully squished Snom.

She didn't want to hurt the pokemon so she made sure she wasn't squishing Snom too much.

However Snom was not used to this and was panicking a bit.

«S-S-Snom Snom!»

However nobody heard Snom since Mina was told to stay in her parents' room for a bit as the FIBTS wanted to talk in private once Imperial was done changing into her alternative outfit (which is her new design outfit one).

"So...uh, what do you like to eat?"

«Snom Snom!!»

"Ehhh...." Mina sweated since she doesn't speak Snom.

But Snom sounds angry.
Or was it an hangry Snom?

"Uh...maybe it likes snow? It's an ice bug so surely it likes to eat cold things." Mina guessed as she placed Snom down on the nightstand and looked at the window.

"Maybe Snom won't mind eating some of the snow off the car?"

It took some time to open the window since it was almost frozen shut.
Not to mention but it was also locked.

Upon opening it, the cold wind that flew in was like a slap to the face, making her wake up for sure.

She turns around to pick up Snom again only to see Snom is trying to reunite with its trainer (Soviet).
But it was a slow escape.
Didn't help Snom's escape plan since the door was close.
Mina easily caught up to Snom by simply walking to it and picking him up.

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