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Hehe first death is here


With America and the other world powers group, they're currently driving down in a forest, waiting for a town or possibly a settlement to show up.

However most of the refugees wanted to come with as they wanted to get a touch of their culture and people again.
Which resulted in four cars being taken instead of two as the original plan was to have Shenli and her group come with the world powers and a few soldiers.

Two cars being full of soldiers as the rest were the CH and refugees.

"So Hinkari assumes that Luna is actually 1000 years old?" Turkey questioned.

"Unfortunately yes and Luna even claims she's 1000 years old until my parents were able to snap her back to reality."

"Ugh, I thought lolis would never exist in real life." Japan whined, "This is a nightmare..."

"Hey, at least Hinkari hasn't done her yet. According to what my dad said to Canada, Luna says that she views Hinkari as an older brother and nothing else. It's a fortunate thing that they were able to convince her we're the good guys." America said about the Luna situation that had happened with the FIBTS.

"If Hinkari were to be a Muslim, he'll be stoned to death for the amount of haram he has committed." Saudi Arabia was ready to treat Hinkari with so much disrespect when he encountered him.

"Yeah, being a pervert, buying a child and a girl from slave trade, destroying property and most likely blame it on the FIBTS and is trying to kill us I'm assuming." South Korea made a list of things Hinkari did wrong.

"Let's just hope this Hinkari person doesn't become a serious enemy. So far he's a bug to us."

"Who is this Hinkari person that you guys are talking about? And what is haram?" Shenli questioned as she's unaware of Hinkari and the haram thing.

She only knows Hinkari's name as Serpen Pacis has mentioned him at the meeting earlier this week.

"If you're a Muslim, Haram is an action forbidden or proscribed by Islamic Law. Examples of haram would be cursing, drinking alcohol, dating before marriage, eating pork, being a pervert in general and disrespecting others. However haram doesn't apply to others who are not a Muslim." Turkey explained, "As to this Hinkari person, all we really know is that he's some perverted dude who has a personality equivalent to a literal rock but somehow has women surrounding him."

"But according to Serpens Pacis, she says that Hinkari has done many things for the people in Arachnid where the people see him as a hero. Oddly, she also said that Hinkari might be up to something but she doesn't know and might be paranoid."  Norma mentions as he became confused.

"Right...and Serpens Pacis is the Goddess of Peace here. Based on the looks of them when I led them to UN, they seemed to be on our side." America said, "But if the literal Goddess of Peace is concerned about one dude, we have to be more cautious around him.

"But how come his behavior is overshadowed by his actions?" Anya was confused.

"It's because when war is happening, the people will see you as a hero as the enemies will see you as a wicked foe." Grey simply said as there was some distaste in his tone, "I have seen it happen many times when the Empire went to war with other nations. But I'm not too pleased with some of the actions they did in order to win. The generals showed no remorse to the citizens and often get angry with me when I refused to do certain things for them. Which is why I chose to retire from the Imperial Army and became a mentor to Shenli."

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