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(Edit: 6/1/24 just fixed something)

"Since you three decided to fight for a solid 15 minutes last night, how about you three go scout in the next town?"

"Love, you do realize all three of us are bound to hate each other and fight because-"

"-all three of your dads decided to make Mary Eddies pregnant with you three and you three will hate each other even if WW2 never happened?" France finished Britain's sentence with an unamused look to her face.


Well, she wasn't wrong there.

"Look, if me and Imperial managed to tolerate each other when we were both in that cell, then so can you three."

"You're literally asking two war criminals who can barely tolerate each other to not fight for a day. I swear they act like children fighting over a toy." Britain comments on this.

"Well, maybe bring Mina along. Whenever she or Claude is around, they don't fight. Well, they try not to fight." France suggests.

"That's because Third wants to make Mina assume he's a good person. In which I'm glad he's not doing anything terrible towards her since Germany himself says that Third is the type of guy to be a good parent but a shitty person when his children aren't around." Britain said, "As for Soviet...I don't know but it doesn't seem like he's quite fond with children considering what some of his children were ranting about."

"But wasn't he fine when Tsarita was alive?"

"Yes but then she was unfortunately killed. I feel sorry for him but I have no idea what messed with his head after her death but that's not important right now." Britain went back to the topic, "Maybe we shouldn't bring Mina with us to the village. We don't know if Hinkari will magically show up out of nowhere and do his dumb tricks again or something bad will happen to her."

"Hmm, I would be doubtful but considering he's the "main character," he may manifest out of thin air. Hopefully he doesn't get that potion of his again." France said.

"Now why is he trying to turn us into females? Does Tecqu know why?" Britain questions.

"She assumes it's to physically weaken you three since females are technically biologically weaker than males. But I bet he has other plans considering how the knights turned...horny."

"I doubt he's trying to add us to his harem. Right?"

There was an awkward silence.


"Yeah, he's trying to add us to his harem isn't he?"


"HELL NO! NOT IN A BILLION YEARS I'M LETTING THAT HAPPEN!" Third came out of nowhere as the door slammed open. However it appears that Third wanted to say some another words but couldn't since Mina was nearby.

How long were they there?!

"Couldn't you at least knock?!"

"You kicked our door open two days ago when we were sleeping after you assumed we ate your omelet. So basically it's equal now." Imperial also magically appeared.

"I hate the fact that it's true." Britain mumbles, "But how long were you guys standing there for?!"

"Long enough to hear everything."

"Wow, can't we have some privacy here?"

"You don't give us privacy."

"Third there is a difference between eavesdropping or spying and walking in on a freshly new couple making out whilst hiding in a secret room from bodyguards from a billionaire named Zein." Britain deadpanned, "And then Soviet hit you both in the head with his sledgehammer for that."

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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