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It's 10 past 12 and I have started getting ready to go to Harry's apartment. I wear a hoodie to cover up some of the bruises that matt gave me last night, I just hope I don't over heat.

My outfit-->

I head to Harry's place and knock on his door

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I head to Harry's place and knock on his door. "Hey lilah" he says bringing me into a hug "tobi isn't here yet so we have the place to ourselves until he arrives" he says and I nod into the hug.  "So how's your morning been" he asks as we walk into his apartment. "Alright, I just watched TV and slept in" I reply. "What about you?" I ask and he smiles. "Just the same really" he says and we laugh.

Then the doorbell rings and we both go to the door. Harry opens it revealing tobi and he lets him in. I hug him before we all sit down on the couch. "So lilah there's actually something we need to ask you" tobi says and I nod, a little confused as to what he's about to say.

"Umm ok" I reply and him and harry share a look before he carries on speaking. "Well harry told me that when he arrived at the restaurant, he saw you and matt, well arguing" he starts and I gulp, I know what they're about to ask me. "We just wanted to check that matt wasn't, you know" tobi continues and I cut him off. "No, no he would never do that" I reply. My heart breaks because deep down I know that he would and he is.

I look into both of their eyes and force a smile on my face "I'm fine, I promise" I say and they sigh. "Ok, just know you can tell us anything don't you" they say and I nod.

"Well anyways I better get home, I didn't tell matt I was coming so he'll be wondering where I am" I say and they nod. I admire at them before pulling them both in for a hug. "I'll see you soon guys" I say "bye lilah" Harry's says. "Bye dee" tobi says as the girl leaves through the front door.


"Matt I'm back" I shout when I enter the house. "Where the fuck did you go?" He shouts from the lounge. I walk in to see him on the couch watching TV with a bottle of beer in his hands.

"I just went to hang out with talia and freya" I reply "you know Simon and josh's girlfriends." I say. "So you weren't with harry or any of the boys" he says and I shake my head. "Oh OK then" he says and I sigh of relief.

After 2 nights, i actually get to sleep in my bed instead of the sofa. I can't lie, I'm scared for tommorow, if I have 1 minor disagreement with matt then who knows what will happen...

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